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但亲密接触也有代价。But intimacy has its costs.

我喜欢籍籍无名和亲密感。I loved the anonymity and the intimacy.

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这些名字避开了任何亲密的暗示。These names avoid any hint of intimacy.

而且对鱼水之欢的渴望是永恒的。And the desire for intimacy is timeless.

你拥有获得美好的亲密关系的能力。You have the capacity for great intimacy.

我很喜欢你说的“亲密“这个词。I like that word intimacy you used before.

我觉得是性福生活挽救了我们的关系。I think this intimacy saved our relationship.

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我们经历的是一种虚假的亲密感。We’re experiencing a false sense of intimacy.

互相信任与亲密无间是根治第三方卷入的良方。The cure for triangulation is trust and intimacy.

我都是点头接受,但那种对她亲切感却越来越强烈了。I nodded. The sense of intimacy was even stronger.

祷告你与耶稣的亲密关系受到保护。Pray that your intimacy with Yeshua be safeguarded.

我因为最近缺少肌肤之亲,所以心情不好。I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy.

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伴侣关系由亲密和承诺形成。Companionate love consists of intimacy and commitment.

他的老友说,在处理亲人问题上,他总是不上道。His oldest friend says he has a problem with intimacy.

我终于发现在我的生命中亲密时最重要的。In my life intimacy is the One Thing that matters most!

多注重情感上的沟通,每一阶段都要如此。Focus on emotional intimacy in all three stages of love.

我始终相信这些隐私是有着亲密关系的特征。I still believe that's one of the hallmarks of intimacy.

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那这些年的专心无猜,当朋友都不好吗?Couldn't we just be friends after these years of intimacy?

悔改能重建并更新与主的亲密关系。Repentance restores and renews our intimacy with the Lord.

对床虱的恐惧也进一步危及了亲密关系。The fear of bedbugs is also heightening intimacy tensions.