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你在大都会艺术博物馆都看到什么了?What did you see at the Metropolitan Museum?

林肯中央,除夜皆市歌剧。Lincoln Center, home of the Metropolitan Opera.

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都市新族群、你是哪一组?Which novel metropolitan group do you belong to?

廷楷王,伦敦城市大学,英国。Tingkai Wang, London Metropolitan University, UK.

有点不同于大都会博物馆。and it is a little different from the Metropolitan

今天,伦敦警察厅发言人拒绝对这一调查线索发表评论。A Metropolitan police spokesman declined to comment.

多套作品被都市快报刊登。Sets of works published by the Metropolitan Express.

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另一个场景是都市风光的素描草稿。Another is a crude rendering of a metropolitan cityscape.

南国都市报记者采访了机场12315。Southland reporter interviewed Metropolitan Airport 12315.

大都会艺术博物馆,犹太历史博物馆,The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Jewish History museum,

我可以把这些知识应用到大都会警察局。I can apply the knowledge at the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

我首先探访了市区的大都会社区大学。I started at the downtown campus of Metropolitan Community College.

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在东海岸的多伦多,那是我们重要的大都会。Or there is our main metropolitan city, Toronto, on the east coast.

这是对伦敦市警察局刚正廉明作风的又一次诽谤。This is yet another slur on the integrity of the Metropolitan Police.

芝加哥城临湖而建,道路纵横,街区密布。The metropolitan area of Chicago nestles at the south end of the lake.

她宁愿加入保龄球队或都市交响乐队吗?Would she rather join the bowling league or the metropolitan symphony?

在大城市的市区内发行报纸是很简单的事。It's a simple matter to circulate a newspaper in the metropolitan area.

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他的声誉经常受到新都市时尚人物的抨击。His reputation was blasted regularly by the new metropolitan tastemakers.

朝旭和日落时分,我生活和工作的城市,窗外。Morning and sunset, the quater of the metropolitan where I live and work.

“都市混合器”的样本位于北京朝阳蓝色港湾商业区。"Metropolitan Mixer" islocated in SOLANA mall, chaoyang district Beijing.