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我在太原做了刀削面。I got to make sliced noodles in Taiyuan.

“你是哪里人?”“我是太原人。”"Where are you from?""I'm from Taiyuan."

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筱慧,出生于太原市一音乐之家。Elva was born in a musical family in Taiyuan.

安吉尔和他夫人一起去太原。Angell went to Taiyuan in company with his wife.

太原是一座具有2400多年历史的古城。Taiyuan is to have a 2400-year-old ancient city.

对不起,太原机场没有吸烟室。Sorry, there is no smoking room in TAIYUAN airport.

太原始称晋阳则是汉以后的事。"Taiyuan" named Jinyang began to after Han Dynasty.

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希望杯能在太原参加么???Hope that the cup can participate in in Taiyuan? ? ?

迎泽公园位于太原的迎泽大街。The Yingze Park lies on the YIngze Street of Taiyuan.

太原师范学院新闻专业大二学生a sophomore in journalism at Taiyuan Normal University

陈超,1958年生于山西省太原市。Chen Chao, in 1958 was born in Taiyuan Shanxi Province.

我们的目标是成为太原市最好的经销商。Our objective is to be the best dealer in Taiyuan City.

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太原哪有卖雅姿纤维饼干?。Which has Taiyuan to sell elegant posture fibre biscuit?

汉代山西的铜器以太原和雁北所出居多。Han bronzes to Taiyuan and Shanxi Yanbei by the majority.

太原下元有美业沙龙这个理发店吗?Sharon, a U. S. industry Taiyuan Xiayuan the barber shop?

从北京到太原,坐火车大概得八个小时。Taiyuan is about an eight-hour train journey from Beijing.

特纳两个月前从贝尔维尤去了太原。Turner left his Bellevue roots for Taiyuan two months ago.

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可强者人皆知讲沈阳有个太本街。Maybe everyone knows there is a Taiyuan Street in Shenyang.

你在上海见过的那个人就是我爸爸,他现在已经回太原了。My father, whom you met in shanghai, is now back in Taiyuan.

参观王家大院,返回太原,乘夜火车回北京。Wang Jia Dayuan. Return to Taiyuan. Take night train to Beijing.