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我想天黑以前要下雨的。I opine that it will rain before night.

我认为美国不会涉及台湾的援助。I opine the US would not come to Taiwan's aid.

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倾听开放的新思路,可以随意认为现时。Open to listening to new ideas, so feel free to opine.

我不会对在这个问题上孰是孰非发表观点。I'm not going to opine on who's right or who's wrong on this one.

皮肤学家认为由于曝晒导致的肌肤衰老高达90%。Dermatologists opine that as much as 90 percent of aging is caused by sun exposure.

有人认为,催眠不能影响对患有坚强意志。Some people opine that hypnosis cannot be affected on persons with strong will power.

我不喜欢对股市进行预测,我再次强调,我对股市的短期行情一无所知。I don't like to opine on the stock market, and again i emphasize that i have no idea what.

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博客写手们敢在电视节目里与美国外交关系委员会成员大谈世界政治。Bloggers opine about world politics on TV alongside members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

本文通过对战略这一概念的介绍与探讨,认为战略对于构建一流支行具有十分重要的意义。In the text, we presentation and discuss concept of stratagem, we opine that stratagem is significant for formed the best sub-branch.

做计划并为宇宙的未来发表观点的时间一直都有,但是最好还是用大部分时间把事情给办好了。There’s a time to plan and there’s a time to opine about the future of the universe. But most of the time is a good time for getting things done.

关于衰退的信息之所以喜忧参半,部分原因是对经济发表看法的组织和个人并没有秉持客观立场。In part, the messages about the recession are mixed, because most of the organisations and individuals who opine on the economy are not objective.

但对多数投资者来说,索科尔只是个名不见经传的人物,很多人会问,到时候还会不会有40,000人每年跑到奥马哈来,花五个小时的时间听索科尔指点江山。One question many ask is whether 40,000 people would come to Omaha every year to listen to Sokol opine for five hours on all things under the sun.

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许多学者在探讨南岛语民族的起源时,都认为这个民族群体与中国古代的越人有关系,还有人认为与越人和濮人都有关系。In exploring the origin of the Austronesian language-speaking peoples, many scholars opine that they have relations with both the Yue and the Pu groups in ancient China.