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那个人是个草包。That man is a bungling oaf.

谢谢你的关心,呆子。Thanks for your concern, oaf.

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谢谢你的关心,呆子。Thanks for your concern, you oaf.

她怎么会嫁给那个大笨蛋了呢?。Why did she marry that great oaf?

我们赌是多少钱呢,笨家伙?How much gold are we talking about here, oaf?

你的无知就是为什么你永远是一个笨家伙,笨家伙。Your ignorance is why you will always be an oaf , oaf.

那个笨手笨脚的人绊到了木桶,把水全给泼了。The oaf stumbled over the bucket, spilling all the water.

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你这个笨家夥--这是你今天打碎的第二个玻璃杯!You clumsy oaf that's the second glass you've broken today!

等父亲听到邓布利多上了这个什么白痴课程之后。Wait until Father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes.

我丈夫是个自私鬼,木头人,可以置篮球于妻子的幸福之上。My husband is a selfish, insensitive oaf who puts basketball before his wife's happiness. fanatic.

对于想我这样常常踢倒脚趾头的笨拙的人来说脚尖部分的而外保护是很必要的。The additional toe protection is a necessity for a clumsy oaf like me who tends to stub his toe often.

我丈夫是个自私鬼,木头人,可以置篮球于妻子的幸福之上。He loves Yaoming more than me. My husband is a selfish, insensitive oaf who puts basketball before his wife's happiness.

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于是人类成为了这个世界上的怪异之物,宇宙的畸儿,地球上病菌。So human beings become a kind of strange thing in this world, an oaf of the universe, and a kind of germina on the earth.

你的无知就是为什么你永远是一个笨家伙,笨家伙。而现在,你的弱点就是为什么你永远是二流水平。再见,白痴。Your ignorance is why you will always be an oaf , oaf . And now, your weakness is why you will always be second rate. Goodbye, cretin.