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这大油哈喇了。The lard has gone rancid.

发酵不好的青贮料其味道腐臭。Poorly fermented silage smells rancid.

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白酒的味道就像泡着腐鱼的汽油。It tastes like rancid fish steeped in gasoline.

脏尿布臭气熏天,臭鸡蛋令人作呕,但臭鼬才真的是臭不可闻!Dirty diapers are disgusting. Rotten eggs smell rancid.

闻起来好像浓浓的油味中夹杂着强烈的酒精味和洋葱味。It smelled like a rancid mixture of strong onions and stronger alcohol.

脏尿布臭气熏天,臭鸡蛋令人作呕,但臭鼬才真的是臭不可闻!Dirty diapers are disgusting. Rotten eggs smell rancid. But skunks really stink!

但将它放在在一个阳光灿烂的窗台上之后,这些有益健康的脂肪,在相当长的时间里会因为腐败变质而发臭。But leave it on a sunny windowsill, and the healthy fats turn rancid in half that time.

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小野寺的小组向第二个装满腐臭牛奶的容器添加了部分消化的浓流体物。Onodera's team added a portion of the digested glop to a second container filled with rancid milk.

他们并不象100年前美国人珍惜购买馊牛肉的权利那样珍惜这种自由。They don't really value that any more than Americans 100 years ago valued the right to buy rancid beef.

但是太多的政治积极份子们几乎乐于在坏消息里面打转,就像狗喜欢腥鱼一样。But too many social activists almost delight in rolling around in the bad news, like dogs in rancid fish.

在这些条件下,完整的油脂分子会降解成一系列的片段,而这也就是造成碗柜里有油漆和鱼腐烂的味道,即陈腐脂肪味的原因。One set of fragments is responsible for the hints of cardboard, paint and fish that we smell in stale, rancid oil.

阴暗的加工厂、劣质肥料、腐烂变味的鸡蛋、再生的腐臭黄油、葡萄糖代替蜂蜜。Shady processors adulterated fertilizers, deodorized rotten eggs, revived rancid butter, substituted glucose for honey.

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对混合菌群的抗菌实验表明,该产品具有较强的抗菌活性。The antibacterial experiment shows that the product has strong inhibition effect on some bacteriums in rancid creamery.

最后研究产品对混合菌群的抗菌活性,结果表明,该产品具有较强的抗菌活性。The antibacterial experiments show that the product has strong inhibition effect on some bacteriums in rancid creamery.

对混合菌群的抗菌实验表明,该产品具有较强的抗菌活性。The antibacterial experiments show that the products have strong inhibition effect on some bacteriums in rancid creamery.

这一巨大的变化意味着制造出不产生烟和rancid味道的蜡烛是可能的。This breakthrough meant that it was possible to make tallow candles that would not produce the usual smoke and rancid odor.

听寺钟一鸣,闻熏香一缕,或嘬上一小口腥味十足的酥油茶,他们便丧失了辨别力。One tinkle of the temple bell, one whiff of incense, or one sip of rancid yak-butter tea, and they lose their critical faculties.

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收垃圾的本周早些时候罢工,附近街头成堆的垃圾腐烂变质造成空气恶臭。Garbage collectors went on strike earlier this week and mounds of trash rotting on the streets have left a rancid stench in the air.

现在数万雪柜散发出腥臭的虾、像硫磺的鸡蛋、腐烂的水果、腐臭的肉的让人作呕的恶臭。Now tens of thousands of appliances are releasing a gag-inducing stench of rancid shrimp, sulfurous eggs, rotting fruit and putrid meat.

消化后,肉的气味还是会从毛孔里渗出,一旦气温升高,就会变成有恶臭的汗液污染空气。The smell of meat oozes through the pores and becomes a rich rancid sweat which fouls the air around it as soon as the temperature rises.