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如果我们把这众多的光子,射出去又会怎样?How about if we shoot this many photons?

留下重子,发送光子。Leave the baryons at home. Send photons.

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这也不妨说是器量大。These energy packets are called photons.

发射光子的能量怎么样?What about the energy of the emitted photons?

波粒二象性应用于光子上。Wave particle duality had been applied to photons.

这四个光子接著产生八个光子,依此类推。Those four photons could lead to eight more, and so on.

光子和电子都表现为外观上的“二象性”。Both photons and electrons show an apparent " duality ".

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双光子是在中性兀介子衰变中产生的。Two photons are created in the decay of the neutral pion.

你们可以看到我在向屏幕放射单光子。So now I am firing individual photons at the screen, as you see.

事实上,天文摄影需要耐心的去累积光子。In fact, astrophotography is an unhurried accumlation of photons.

高度活性和非定域的电子应该能够与光子起反应。Highly reactive and delocalized electrons would react with photons.

不经光子转交流电源系统效率更高。No system is more efficient at converting photons to grid-ready AC power.

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最终,电磁光子转化成光波长。Eventually, the electromagnetic photons are shifted to optical wavelengths.

他相信光子循光的方向做有规律跳动。Grosskopf himself believes that photons "pulsate" in the direction of light.

流经硒层的X射线光子产生电子空穴对。X-ray photons flowing through the selenium layer create electron hole pairs.

在这个意义上,光子大大不同于物质的细粒或小丸。In this sense photons differ very much from little grains or bullets of matter.

自发发射的光子引起受激发射,开始了链式反应。Spontaneous photons initiate stimulated emission and the chain reaction begins.

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随后进入衰退期,释放出中等大小的红外光子或是光子。They subsequently "de-excite" and emit mid-infrared light particles, or photons.

现在我们知道“量子物体”可能不需要单个粒子或光子。We now know that "quantum objects" might not need to be single atoms or photons.

这种量子中继器使用一组三个光子对应信息的一个字节。Such a quantum repeater uses groups of three photons for each bit of the message.