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这是我的朋友,爱尔兰人。That's my friend, Irishman.

每根都是一个人、爱尔兰人或北方佬。Each one is a man, an Irishman , or a Yankee man.

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你们一听爱尔兰人或者约克郡人的土音,就能辨别出他是哪里的人。You can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue.

那个带着移民局证章的大个子爱尔兰人瞧着他。The big Irishman with the Immigration badge looked at him.

因此,爱尔兰人被迫驶往非洲,并继续他的掠夺。So, Irishman was forced to sail to the Africa and continue his plundering.

这个爱尔兰人为曼联出战511场比赛,当他离开后很难想象弗格森得花多长时间才能从失落中走出来。The Irishman made 511 starts for United, and it's hard to think of a time he let Ferguson down.

一个被称为醉酒魔术师的爱尔兰男人杰克,他把上帝和魔鬼搞混了。An Irishman known as a drunken trickster, Jack wound up on the wrong side of both God and the devil.

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你可以从一个人的土音判断他是爱尔兰人还是约克郡人,但我可以将这个地理范围缩小到6英里以内。Anyone can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue, but I can place a man within six miles.

爱尔兰人礼貌而谦虚。爱尔兰人名义上讨厌英国人,但是我没见哪个爱尔兰人真正讨厌英国人。They nominally dislike the English, but I have yet to meet an Irishman who really loathes the English.

我已经向詹姆斯·柯令斯,一个在菲茨堡铁路上工作的爱尔兰人,买下他的棚屋来使用他的木板。I had already bought the shanty of James Collins, an Irishman who worked on the Fitchburg Railroad, for boards.

丹尼-布兰齐弗拉沃,爱尔兰传奇在白鹿巷踢球,然后成为切尔西的一名管理者。Danny Blanchflower The legendary Irishman graced the White Hart Lane pitch as a player and went on to manage Chelsea.

如果哈灵顿认为他赢得2007年英国公开赛的大满贯冠军的原因主要是由于他在延长赛上看到了他儿子的目光的话。When Padraig Harrington thought he had blown the Open in 2007 the sight of his son revived the Irishman for the play-off.

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参加该片演出的除了孙俪外,还有中国当红影星梁家辉、加拿大人卢克·麦克法兰和爱尔兰人彼特·奥图。Sun Li will work alongside Hong Kong veteran Tony Leung Ka Fai, Canadian actor Luke MacFarlane, and Irishman Peter O'Toole.

弗格森总是不吝惜对他的赞扬,并将他排在菲尔·琼斯之前,这显示了教练对爱尔兰人的充分信任。Ferguson loves to talk him up and his selection, ahead of Phil Jones, suggests a manager who has full trust in the Irishman.

警方称其被捕与爱尔兰人凯文•詹姆斯•马隆在奥运开幕式当天被捕有关。Police said the arrest was related to that of fellow Irishman Kevin James Mallon on the day of the Olympic opening ceremony.

获奖的热情爱尔兰人是使用上好的哥伦布咖啡,黑棕糖和醇香的爱尔兰威士忌手工制成。The award winning Hot Irishman is hand crafted using the finest columbian coffee, dark brown sugar and mellow Irish Whiskey.

在通过体检以及就个人条款达成一致后,年轻的爱尔兰人和黑猫签了一份三年的合约。The young Irishman has signed a three-year deal at the Stadium of Light after passing a medical and agreeing personal terms.

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但卡洛尔认为,用中国流行的传统“跟我说”方法来教授普通话,无法取得成功。But Irishman Mr Carroll thinks Mandarin cannot be taught successfully by the traditional repeat-after-me method popular in China.

这是爱尔兰人为保存实力在主场面对伯恩利而使出的“田忌赛马”。It was been suggested the Irishman was saving his side for what might be considered to be a more winnable game at home to Burnley.

首次足总杯决赛上的默西塞德德比就是个亮点,这场3-1击败埃弗顿的比赛让这位爱尔兰人难以忘怀。A 3-1 win over Everton in the first all-Merseyside FA Cup final was the icing on the cake and an occasion the Irishman will never forget.