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51侏儒的玩笑惹火了人类村庄。Gnome pranksters have angered a village of humans.

哦,侏儒姑娘看起来和虫耳朵一样可爱。Oh, and the Gnome girlies are cute as a bug's ear.

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你挡到我的路太多次了,地精。You've gotten in my way one too many times, gnome.

一个侏儒发明家声称他可以制造一价飞船。A gnome inventor claims he can build a flying ship.

侏儒幻术师出售虚造的陶器,然后逃离了城市。Gnome illusionists sell false wares, then flee the city.

地灵德国民间传说中在地下出没的地神。A gnome that haunts underground places in German folklore.

在这些照片中,你还可以看到一尊破旧的小矮人雕像,还有一条内裤。From a beaten-up gnome statue to a pair of panties, see photos.

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后来,他们生了个儿子,小矮人出现要求把孩子给他。They inevitably have a son, and the little gnome shows up demanding him.

瑞典人的圣涎节里没有圣诞老人,但们却有一个圣诞守护神。The Swedes do not have Santa Claus. What they have is the Christmas Gnome.

娇小的侏儒透过栏杆端详着魔法罩下的达拉然。The tiny gnome peered over the railing into the secluded Dalaran courtyard.

我决定就是Ubuntu了,因为我发现Ubuntu的gnome桌面环境比Kubunt的KDE桌面环境更容易使用。That clinched the deal. I found Ubuntu's gnome easier to use than Kubuntu's KDE.

要进行交配仪式的话,我们需要四只,不,五只羊一个侏儒还有统御法杖。Okay, for mating ritual, we will need 4, no 5 sheep, 1 gnome and Staff of Domination.

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一个花园地侏坐在上方,洪水来自波兰边界附近的奥得河。A garden gnome sits just above flood waters from the Oder river near the Polish border.

我的侏儒获得的第三个特殊技是使自己旋转一定角度并用剑攻击。The third Gnome special attack that I got made him kinda spin and strike with his sword.

正如KDE,GNOME桌面环境包含的不止是工具条、图标和菜单。Like KDE, the GNOME desktop environment includes more than just toolbars, icons and menus.

我很高兴地宣布GNOME开发者培训今年是由GUADEC承办。I’m delighted to announce the availability of GNOME Developer Training at GUADEC this year.

MonoDevelop是一个面向Mono针对Gnome开发人员特别设计的IDE。MonoDevelop is an IDE designed specifically for Gnome developers targeting the Mono runtime.

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我没有怀疑GNOME的发报周期是为市埸原因制定的。There is no doubt in my mind that the GNOME release cycle was created for marketing reasons.

一个疯狂,面貌虚弱的麻风侏儒从一台巨大的蒸汽动力装甲中向外凝望。A crazed, frail-looking leper gnome peers out from within a massive suit of steam-powered armor.

因此我预期,侏儒在部落方面会有一个动作相似的对立方。So I would expect that the Gnome has his counter part on the Horde side that does similar emotes.