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我们都渴望和平。We all hanker for peace.

保持品质第一,追求完美。Keep quality first, hanker for perfection.

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甚至当我只是个孩子的时候,我就贪恋着白天的时光。I hanker for the daytime even when I was a child.

所以,要试著去了解,为什么你会渴望妥协。So try to understand why you hanker for compromise.

酷爱快餐食品,认为烤鸡肉汉堡比牛肉汉堡要好。You hanker for fast food. Grilled chicken beats beef burger.

不要溜须拍马,阿谀奉承,热衷权力,就像某些学生一样。Don't fawn on others and hanker after power, as some students do.

我对角落的热衷是因为它能够给我的灵魂带来安宁。I hanker after a corner because it serves to bring calmness to my mind.

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但是对于我,即使我非常喜欢一个男生,我还是喜欢他追求我。But for me , I still like that a boy hanker me even if I love him very much.

男生是勇敢和坚强的代名词,他拥有追求女生的许多优势。Boy stands for brave and iron and so on , he has many advantages to hanker a girl.

于是那些渴望表明自身观点的人发现他们的声音是如此含混不清。So people who hanker to express their own views find that their voices are muffled.

只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.

我常想在纷扰中寻出一点闲静来,然而委实不容易。I often hanker after a little peace and respite from confusion, but it is really hard to come by.

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每年接近卡尔提卡月的时候,我都渴望圣地的灵性气氛。Each year as the month of Kartika approaches, I hanker for the spiritual atmosphere of the holy dhama.

他们会怀念曾经的日子,那时他们有权利赶一个政府下台,并推举另一个上台。They would hanker after the days when they had the right to evict one Government and put another one in.

无论是男追女还是女追男,爱情是最重要的,只要两人相爱,就足够了。Whatever Boys hanker girls VS girls hanker boys, love is upmost. If only the two love each other, it is enough.

要看破放下来修行,不要再留恋在六道轮回中了。See through everything, put it all down, and cultivate. Don't hanker after this transient existence in the six paths.

他们十分清楚,完全独立的希望渺茫,但仍有大部分库尔德人渴望独立。In their hearts, most Kurds still hanker after full independence, even if many know in their heads that it is not practicable.

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依靠科技求发展,不断为用户提供满意的高科技产品,是我们始终不变的追求。Relying on science and technology seeking development and continual providing clients with high-tech products are our consistent hanker.

瀚海国际集团是一家集生产、销售、进出口贸易为一体的多元化企业。Hanker International Group is a cooperation specializing in producing and distributing as well as doing export and import of commodities.

瀚海国际集团是一家集生产、销售、进出口贸易为一体的多元化企业。Hanker International company is a corporation specializing in producing and distributing as well as doing export and import of commodities.