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无需语言,它的冲动是本能和仪式的。Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic.

这样一种怀抱宝宝的方式对于成年人来说也许就是一种本能的行为。Most adults find this is a very instinctual position for holding a baby.

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我的身体充满着本能的需求,而我也永远记住了这件事。My body filled an instinctual need and I am forever marked by this event.

本能知识也引导昆虫王国产生必要的行为。Instinctual knowledge also instructs the insect kingdoms in their wherewithal.

今天我们生活的世界不大需要适应这种直觉性的需求。Today we live in a world that does not accommodate these instinctual needs very well.

不要那么多心嘛,我只是想和同学讨论下嘛.Don`t be so suspicious! I just want to have an instinctual discussion with a fellow student.

我拒绝了观念、推测和那种说它是通过继承和本能获得的理论。I have rejected ideas, suppositions and theories that it is inherited, that it is instinctual.

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为了填补留下的空白什么盖伦所谓本能剥夺。To fill the gap left by what Gehlen called instinctual deprivation. people create social frameworks.

这个行业是建立在流行和时尚的基础之上的。你必须依靠直觉、本能以及勇气。This business is trend-based and fashion-based. You have to be intuitive, instinctual , and gut-driven.

当一个可爱的童星本色地出演了一些动作片,这很有可能已经足够让他通过大众的评审。When a child star is cute and has a few instinctual acting moves, that’s probably enough for him to get by.

恐惧是对于潜在危险做出的一种本能反应,这种本能的反应还会引发出不同的身体反应。From definitions, fear is a pre-programmed emotion that acts as an instinctual response to potential danger.

有些时候快速作答可能会比深思熟虑后再答更符合这个调查问卷的真正意图。Sometimes instinctual rather than thought through answers are the best for this questionnaire's true purpose.

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是否还有其他如杂乱无章的「游戏」系统的本能存在,目前还在研究当中。Whether other instinctual forces exist, such as a rough-and-tumble "play" system, is also being investigated.

在研究中,BBC假设出于本能人类的嗅觉能够起到的作用比眼镜要多。In its study, the BBC supposes that a human's smell has more to do with our instinctual attraction than sight.

电光火石间,价值观发生偏移,肤浅的思绪超越了内心正常的道德规范,这直接反映出你的生物本能正在急速偏离道德价值取向。This momentary shift is a direct reflection of your instinctual emotion splitting away from your moral values.

你需要一些本能的满意,或你需要一些能运作良好使,你能适应社会的本能。And you need some instinctual gratification or you need some instincts to operate well to make life in society possible.

同样,虽然孩童对枪并不存在本能的惧怕,人们还是很快就能习得对枪的正确反应。Similarly, though children has no instinctual fear of guns, they can learn the correct reaction to guns in a short time.

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招聘决定不仅取决于技巧和经验,还有直觉和本能反应。Hiring decisions are made on more than just skills and experience. It's also about gut feelings and instinctual reactions.

地球上绝大多数物种的形体,除了人类、海豚鲸鱼的蓝图,本质上都是无意识或本能的。Form for most species upon Earth, except the human, dolphin and whale blueprints, are nonconscious or instinctual in nature.

可是,无意识是我们回避痛苦事件的避风港,也是在我们头脑中存放本能驱力的场所。The unconscious is the safe haven for our recollection of painful events and also it is where we store our instinctual drives.