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她跟你是什么亲戚关系?What relation is she to you?

没人能破坏这牵系。Nobody can broke the relation.

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他是我的远房亲戚。He is a distant relation of mine.

但是我学的是国际关系学。But I major in International relation.

他们召请了一个公共关系公司。They call in a public relation outfit.

它是,x,y,z,和f之间的一种关系。It is a relation between x, y, z and f.

其二,他与他同伴的关系如何?What is his relation? to his fellow-men?

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两者之间的关系是同名。The relation between the two is homonymy.

虽然也姓周,但他与周兴海没有亲戚关系。Zhou, who is no relation to Zhou Xinghai.

这种关系可以并且应当是相辅相存的。This relation can and should be symbiotic.

现在得到了df和dt的关系。And now I have a relation between df and dt.

事实上,这个关系是不可约分的。In effect, this relation is incommensurable.

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文学和孤独的关系血浓于水。Literature has close relation with solitude.

有红鸾桃花,感情与人际关系都非常顺利。Really smooth with love and public relation.

他们之间的关系再也维持不下去了。Their relation doesn't struggle on any more.

他们重新确定了他们之间的关系。They redetermined the relation between them.

而流量与电极电流成二次函数关系。Q and I presents quadratic function relation.

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看起来跟中国很有缘分噢!It appears to have a good relation with China!

记住超类型的关系是反身的。Remember, the supertype relation is reflexive.

以色列和中国两国友好的关系。The pacific relation between Israel and China.