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他打断我的话。He interrupted me.

他不愿受人打扰。He hates being interrupted.

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我打断你了?,-不。Have I interrupted you? -No.

他经常打断我。He interrupted me frequently.

但这时妇人打断了他的话。But now the woman interrupted him.

练吉他时被影响了!Interrupted during guitar practice!

两个声音打断了大学士。Two voices interrupted the scholar.

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他用一些愚蠢的问题打岔。He interrupted with silly questions.

但他的话被一阵刺耳的笑声打断。But he was interrupted by a shrill cackle.

“我,”妹子岔着说,“我没有意见。"I," interrupted his sister, "say nothing.

立刻冒出五六个人的声音,打断了他的话。Half-a-dozen voices interrupted him at once.

然而战争中止了这项运动发展的势头。But the war interrupted the sport’s momentum.

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“但是她不产奶”马奇插嘴反驳道。"But she didn't give milk," Madge interrupted.

她不等他把话说完就打断了他。She interrupted him before his speech was done.

一场骤雨中断了这场足球赛。A heavy downpour interrupted the football match.

读到此地,她停下来擦她的眼镜。Here she interrupted herself to wipe her glasses.

我在打民话时,婴儿干扰了我。The baby interrupted me while I was on the phone.

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这时电话响了,打断了她的思绪。The ringing of the phone interrupted her thoughts.

我随便散步,没想到打扰你了。I see I've traipsed right on in and interrupted you.

她立刻打断了他的话,眼里闪出了快乐的光。She interrupted him with a gleam of joy in her eyes.