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加盟商有没有零售为王的思路,这很重要。Franchisee has no retail is king of the idea, it is very important.

所以他采取了向经销商转租店面的手法。So he adopted a policy of subleasing his properties to the franchisee.

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蕉叶咖喱屋首间加盟店在2000年于韩国正式营业。In December 2000, our first overseas franchisee opened their restaurant in Korea.

加盟店特许必须签订合同契约、按期缴纳特许费用。The concession contract franchisee must sign leases , arranging to pay licensing fees.

自2005年4月招商以来,考察学习的加盟商络绎不绝。Investment since April 2005 has been an endless stream of study tour of the franchisee.

一家麦当劳最近在北卡罗来纳州的Cary开设了一家电动车充电站。A McDonald's franchisee recently opened an electric-vehicle charging station in Cary, N.C.

我们不测量主观的因素,例如加盟人满意度或者管理风格。We do not measure subjective elements such as franchisee satisfaction or management style.

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它体现的是特许人在受许人日常经营中拥有的权益。It reflects a certain equity owned by the franchisor from the daily operation of the franchisee.

奎克说,“你在和申请特许经营者面谈时,必须十分严格,对其的背景情况必须了解清楚。You need to have a really strict first interview and check out the background of your franchisee.

第一,由特许人与受许人组成的特许经营体系是具有自组织性的共生系统。First, the franchising system composed with franchisor and franchisee is a self-organization system.

特许授予者通常会采取一系列方法,来证实被授权的特许经营商是处于资金稳定的社会关系中。Franchisers generally use a number of methods to make sure the franchisee is on firm financial footing.

本公司是一家集研究、开发、制造各种游乐设备配件的专营公司。This is a company set research, development, manufacture various play equipment parts of the franchisee.

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除了财政援助和忠告之外,特许经营者会为新的经营者提供一个商务经营的培训。Beside financial aid and advice, the franchiser gives a new franchisee training in how to run a business.

历秋辰打听到这王淑云自从离婚以后就住在王家,现在还没许人呢。To get this through the autumn Chen shu-yun wang lived in the wangs since divorce, now havent franchisee.

斯金纳没有阻止她,而是转向那位特许经营者,问他带上领结是多难的事吗?Skinner didn't stop her, instead turning to the franchisee to ask him how hard it would be to put on a tie.

奎克说,“你在和申请特许经营者面谈时,必须十分严格,对其的背景情况必须了解清楚。Quek said. “You need to have a really strict first interview and check out the background of your franchisee.

公司向一个进入他们业务的特许经营人收取的,通常有两种特许经营费。There are commonly two types of franchise fees that companies charge to a franchisee entering their business.

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我不在乎他们给经销商的任何指令,我不认为他们有权这样做。I'm not aware of any direction that they gave the franchisee and I don't think they have the authority to do it.

要和处在开始阶段的经销商聊聊,评估一下他或她从授权人那里得到多少支持。Talk to a franchisee in the start-up phase to assess how much support he or she is receiving from the franchisor.

特许经营是指通常被称为“授予特许者”或“特许经营人”的两个企业之间的一种特殊的纵向关系。A special type of vertical relationship between two firms usually referred to as the "franchisor" and "franchisee".