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请问你喜欢加精华素吗?Would you like to use ampoule?

他只有一些安培计和一个安瓶。He only had some ammeter and an ampoule.

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本机生产时可以选择单动亦可联动。The YBX ampoule packing production line could choice alone and linkage.

本文介绍了PIC16C71型单片机在安瓿检漏灭菌器中的应用。This paper introduces the application of PIC16C71 Microcontroller in the ampoule sterilizer.

希望他们现在免遭进一步氧化,在充满氩气气氛安瓿内存。Hopefully they are now protected from further oxidation by the argon atmosphere inside the ampoule.

但是用柏奥丝活性日间护理和全天候6安瓿修复护理,这些困难的问题就能迎刃而解!But with BIOSWISS' Active Care system and intensive moisturizing ampoule treatments, this is not a problem.

水中低浓度铁安瓿目视比色快速测定法以邻菲罗啉法为基础。In the rapid ampoule determination of low concentration iron in water phenanthroline is used as developing agent.

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利用机器视觉对安瓿装药液进行可见异物的检测是安瓿装药液检测发展的必然趋势。Using machine vision to find the foreign bodies in the ampoule is an inevitable trend in the development of ampouled liquid detection techniques.

近年来卡式瓶的出现较好地解决了安瓿瓶作为注射剂内包材的缺陷,可以代替安瓿瓶作为注射剂的内包材。The recent appearance of portable bottle can solve this problem well, which, then, can be used to replace ampoule bottle as the inner package of injection.

嘉娜宝的修复精华安瓿能改变暗淡、老化的肌肤,明显改善皮肤状况。Performed over a fortnight, Kanebo's Recovery Concentrate Ampoule Treatment recharges dull and ageing skin helping to provide visible improvements in skin condition.

沈社长给了智赫一个注射器,还有正泰家里的钥匙,让智赫去正泰的家里,把注射器里的注射液注射到正泰身上,只要完成了就还清所有债款。Shen President gave ZhiHe a syringe and chengtai house keys, let ZhiHe chengtai home, put the syringe ampoule injection to chint, just finished paying off all debts.

治疗严重的慢性疾病时,治疗从每日1-2支利胆素注射剂开始,继续治疗时每隔一日1安瓶缓慢静脉注射。In severs chronic cases, treatment is started with daily 1 to 2 ampoules of Bilocid and continused with one ampoule every other day, injected slowly by the intravenous route.

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应用镶牙自凝塑料制作模具,并在一端留出空间以插入安瓿,装入小磨头弹簧等小件物品制成后用于将安瓿掰断。Methods We design a mould with the self curing plastic and leave some space in the end to insert the ampoule bottle, then fix the bistrique and spring to break off the bottles.

在医用包装行业中,由于玻璃具有的优越的保护性能和良好的化学稳定性,绝大部分针剂药品都是采用安瓿瓶进行包装的。In the medical packaging industry, because the glass has superior protection performance and good chemical stability, the vast majority of injection drug use ampoule for packaging.

临用时割开安瓿,用10毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样10毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用纯水定容。When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 10 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by laboratory-pure water.

临用时割开安瓿,用15毫升干燥洁净移液管从安瓿中准确移取浓样15毫升于250毫升容量瓶中,用甲醛吸收液定容。When you use this ERM, please carefully break open the ampoule at the neck and pipette 15 ml from the ampoule into 250 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume by formaldehyde solution.

本文对方法的可靠性、稳定性、干扰因素、测定条件等进行了研究。The reliability of the method, the serviceability of reagents packed into ampoules, interfering factors, and operating conditions of this ampoule method are studied photocolometrically.

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激光具有高的能量密度,光加工是非接触加工和加工过程中不存在外来物质的污染问题,激光是一种理想的安瓿瓶封口过程中的热源。As the laser processing has the advantages of high energy density, non-contact processing and not exist the problem of pollution, it is considered as an ideal heat source for sealing ampoule.

适用于热纤体安瓿对身体多余的脂肪地区矿床,如腹部,臀部,大腿和手臂,轻轻地按摩圆周运动,直至热纤体安瓿吸收。Apply the Thermo Slimming Ampoule on to body areas have excess fat deposit such as abdomen, hips, thighs, and arms, gently massage in circular motion until Thermo Slimming Ampoule is absorbed.