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露西和德西·阿纳兹于1960年离婚。Lucy and Desi Arnaz divorced in 1960.

但吸附电喷雾离子化技术对刑警还有额外的好处。But DESI also presents an additional boon to gumshoes.

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我有排外思想,正嫉妒地嘲笑这一想法!My xenophobic and argumentative Desi Bhais scorn this idea in jealousy ! ! !

这个小家伙叫朱尼尔,他是娱乐界的传奇人物保罗的儿子。This little guy is Desi Arnaz junior, the son of entertainment legend, Lucille Ball.

是的,我喜欢印度和一直存在,所以我希望我将会来看我所有的讨论了世界各地的球迷很快!Yes, I love India and always have, so hopefully I will be coming to see all my desi fans all over the world very soon!

为了证明观众是可以接受他们是对夫妻,露西和戴西提出歌舞剧及巡迴演出的构想。To prove that the audience would accept them as a couple, Lucy and Desi cooked up a vaudeville act and took it on tour.

DESI牵涉到将一种溶剂喷洒到沾有指纹的表面,然后分析散布在指纹外围的小水滴。DESI involves spraying a solvent onto a fingerprinted surface and then analyzing the droplets that scatter off the print.

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播放这一节目的CBS电视网担心成本问题,因此露西和德西成立了自己的德西露公司并承担全部费用。CBS, which broadcast the Lucy show was worried about cost, so Lucy and Desi formed their own company, Desilu, and footed the bill.

不像德西3D打印机,我会完全从头构建,这一次我决定挥霍一些体面的现成部件。Unlike the Desi 3D printer that I'd build entirely from scratch, this time I decided to splurge on some decent off the shelf parts.

根据民主党参议员门南德斯起草的一份提案,英国石油公司的赔偿上限将被提高到100亿美元。Democratic Senator Nan Desi door under a proposal drafted by the British oil companies increase the compensation limit will be 100 million.

该研究领导人库克斯教授说,DESI能判读指纹的化学记号,来判定一个人最近触摸过什麽东西。Professor R. Graham Cooks, the lead researcher, says DESI can read a fingerprint's chemical signature to determine what a person recently handled.

露西使上世纪50年代的家庭主妇成为一种时尚,不管她是系着围裙,或是穿着狂欢的服装,或是精心打扮去巴巴鲁俱乐部和德斯黎共度良宵。Lucy made being a '50 housewife chic, whether she was wearing an apron, clad in costume for one of her hijinks or dressed up for a night with Desi at Club Babalu.

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方天翼告诉王富贵自己决定给突击队三天的时间,来准备一场实战,目标是端掉德清县城的德西据点。Physical tell year. there they decided to give the commandos three days time, to prepare for an actual combat, target is increasingly desi strongholds in deqing county.

本文在研究该结构冷却机理的基础上,从实用的角度出发,以某型现役发动机燃烧室改型设计为例,对瓦块式迷宫冷却结构进行设计,并进行换热分析和壁温计算。On the basis of investigating cooling mechanism of this cooling structure and from the practical point of view, tile maze cooling structure is designed by taking the modification desi.