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对于迪尔凯姆来说社会学是一种职业。For Durkheim, sociology was a vocation.

这是一项社会学的个案研究。This is a case-study in the field of sociology.

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德国法律社会学的先驱之一是马克思。韦伯。A pioneer in legal sociology in Germany was Max Weber.

他告诉她说,他刚刚上了社会学课,才来到这里。He told her that he had just come from his sociology class.

我有双学位,我学的是社会学和传媒学,I'm double majoring. I'm doing Sociology and Media Studies,

他父亲是科学家,母亲大学学社会学。His dad is a scientist and his mom was a sociology undergrad.

去年,我在学校攻读了社会学和政治学课程。Last year I studied sociology and political science in school.

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这些,构成了农村高等教育的教育社会学理论。All this as you say form the education sociology theory of HEIC.

库布里克偏爱具有哲学和社会学意义的电影题材。Kubrik prefers the significance of Philosophy and Sociology Film.

由于对二十世纪三四十年代的的社会学感兴趣。Wright was very interested in the sociology of the 1930s and '40s.

徐晓熙以经济和社会学专业毕业于美国伯克利加州大学。Evan graduated from UC Berkeley with Economics and Sociology majors.

哲学是人学,是人的社会学和人的宇宙学。Philosophy is a human study, and is human sociology and cosmography.

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武泽斌,北京大学社会学硕士Wu Zebin, a master's degree holder in sociology with Peking Universty

马克斯•韦伯与艾米尔•迪尔凯姆是宗教社会学的两位主要奠基人。Max Weber and Durkheim are two main founders of religionary sociology.

从语言学、社会学的人类行为原理里解脱吧。Out with every theory of human behavior, from linguistics to sociology.

分析科学学到科学社会学这一研究发展趋向。Analyze the trend from science of science to sociology of science develop.

克里斯·麦康伯在北卡罗来纳州首府罗利的梅瑞迪斯学院教授社会学课程。Kris Macomber, who teaches sociology at Meredith College in Raleigh, N. C.

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1983年,芝加哥大学社会学系给我一份邀请。In 1983, the Sociology Department at Chicago offered me a joint appointment.

科学体制化是科学社会学研究的重要内容。Scientific institutionalization is an important part in sociology of science.

心理学方法尚未得到总结,又为新的马克思主义哲学和社会学所摈弃了。It was replaced again by the methods of Marxist philosophy and sociology soon.