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一些看不见的手指,如慵懒的微风。Sone unseen fingers, like an idle breeze.

看不见的泉水的喷涌使我恐惧。And the unseen waters' soliloquies awe me.

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我愿是您膏脂,治愈您无形创伤。Let me be Your balm, To heal Your unseen wounds.

然而,未见之物一定存在么?Neverthless, does not the unseen exist for sure?

那是藏起的鸟儿在密叶中歌唱。It was the bird that sang unseen from the thicket.

那看不见的渡船,一阵又一阵地发出汽笛声。The unseen ferry-boat was blowing blast after blast.

因为我我目的,只不过是不想在有一天人们看不到我的时候死去。All I want is not to die on a day when I went unseen.

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树林深处看不见的地方,反复传来人们有节奏的呼喊声。Haunting chants came from unseen people in the trees.

一个新的,看不见的声音从扩音机里嗡嗡地传来。A new, unseen voice was booming through the PA system.

因此我们通过直观化过程,使看不见的东西变得可见。So we're making the unseen seen in the visualizations.

清醇甘甜之美,星月深空之幽。Mellow sweetness, beauty of field of deep space unseen.

但是即使是最明媚的日子里,也可能会被未知的暴风雨所笼罩。But even the brightes days can be darkened by an unseen tempest.

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那团黑暗之火,虽把繁星贱作桔梗,却看不见他的火焰,到底为什么呢?What is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars?

这个不可见的黑暗之火焰,以繁星为其花火的,到底是什么呢?What is this unseen flames of darkness whose sparks are the stars?

胡渣男子试着呼喊他们,但小孩跑开了,没看到脸。The Bearded Man tries to call them, but they RUN OFF, FACES UNSEEN.

以前从未或者很少对外公布过的一组由二战部队拍摄的照片。A new book contains rare and unseen photographs taken by WW2 troops.

容我战友先安睡不与他人近瞻这无声泪。Admitting around me comrades close unseen by the rest and voiceless.

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有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微飔,正在我的心上奏着潺湲的乐声。Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart.

是的,陛下在这个过程的上空盘旋,她是无形的评审。Yes, Her Majesty hovered over the proceedings, an unseen meta-judge.

我扣问我的心,你的血液是否承载着发现未见之途的智慧。And I ask my heart if its blood carries the wisdom of the unseen way.