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树上有一粒波罗密成熟。There's a ripe jackfruit in the tree.

旅行的时候,我们第一次吃到了木波罗。When traveling in the southern region, I ate jackfruit for the first time.

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这也许会让你在下一次的夏季烧烤聚会上引人注目哦!And try your hand at making jackfruit ice cream to impress at your next summer barbecue.

阳台上听得见胡狼的叫声,他们是被木菠萝的香味儿吸引到茶园的。From the balcony we could hear the sound of jackals, drawn to the garden by the smell of jackfruit.

河中间有一个漂亮的小岛,岛上长满芒果树、菠萝蜜等各种果树。In the middle of the river there was a beautiful island covered with mango, jackfruit and other fruit trees.

例如,东南亚特产水果榴莲被改作能更好理解的菠萝。So, "durian, " a fruit specific to Southeast Asia, has been changed to a more widely understood "jackfruit."

以菠萝蜜种子为原料提取淀粉,研究淀粉的消化特性以及糊性质。Properties of starch isolated from Jackfruit Seeds were investigated, including digestibility and dextrin properties.

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以高丽菜叶为底,配料有椰子肉、小辣椒、花生、虾米、柠檬丁、亚达枳、菠萝蜜等。Chilies, peanuts, dried shrimp, diced ginger, shallot, diced lemon, palm's seeds, jackfruit and dried coconuts wrapped in cabbage.

我们装饰了草坪前的那棵巨大的木菠萝,还曾把白色泡沫小球粘在树上,假想那是雪。We had a huge jackfruit tree in our front lawn that we deco rated. Once we glued white styrofoam balls to the tree, pretending they were snow.

与其他那些扛着斧头进入山林的年轻人一样,弗兰瑟尔现在才惊讶的发现,原来紫檀木是如此值钱的木材,相比之下,其他那些树只能生产木瓜、椰子和榴莲一类廉价的水果。Francel, like others who carry axes into the mountains, finds it curious that rosewood is so valued. Other trees yield food — papaya, coconut, jackfruit.

菠萝蜜中的过敏原本身不会使免疫系统敏感,但是一旦桦树花粉刺激了免疫系统,免疫系统也会对菠萝蜜有反应。The allergen in jackfruit does not on its own sensitize the immune system, but once birch pollen has done the job, the immune system may react to jackfruit too.

通过野外植物学性状调查、实验室常规分析鉴定和RAPD分析,对中国雷州半岛的菠萝蜜种质资源进行了研究。Jackfruit germplasm in Leizhou peninsula were characterized through morphological character analysis, fruit quality analysis and RAPD molecular marker genotyping.

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这也解释了为什么来自东亚的某些移民,到了北欧后,一旦接触到桦树花粉,会突然出现菠萝蜜过敏反应的现象。This also explains why some migrants from east Asia to northern Europe suddenly develop an allergic reaction to jackfruit once they have come into contact with birch pollen.