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他的继父给了他很多指导。Instruction came from his stepfather.

还好她的继父是个很好的人.Fortunately the stepfather is a kind man.

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她小的时候,她妈给她找了继父.She has had a stepfather since she was young.

他有一个印度尼西亚继父和一个同母异父的妹妹。He had an Indonesian stepfather and half-sister.

其继父目击她被塞进一辆车带走。Her stepfather saw her being bundled into a car.

我四岁时,母亲再婚。My stepfather came into the scene when I was four.

海伦的继父将她嫁给了斯巴达的国王墨涅劳斯。Her stepfather married her to Menelaus, king of Sparta.

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他的继父打他,所以他回击他,打破了他的鼻子。His stepfather hit him, so he socked him back, and broke his nose.

为了生活,两年后母亲又改嫁给了我现在的继父。In order to live, two years later, mother and married my stepfather.

当我知道有一部分钱是她继父拿出来的时候,我相当感动。I felt quite touched when I learned her stepfather contributed to the amount.

过了八个月,我父亲的亲娘和继父在一场车祸中平丧生。Eight months later, my father’s stepfather and mother were killed in a car accident.

最近,一个朋友告诉了我她继父的一些事情,他已经体验过这种疗法。Recently, a friend told me about her stepfather who had experienced this phenomenon.

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但是刘星的继父很慷慨,他愿借给他钱。But xiadonghai, liuxing's stepfather is so generous that he would borrow money to him.

似乎没人知道那孩子的继父多年来常打她。No one seemed to realize that the child's stepfather had been battering her for years.

他把继父的枪藏在衣服底下偷了出来拿到西路商城。They say he has stolen it from his stepfather into the Westroads Mall under his sweatshirt.

她是宙斯的女儿,她的继父把她嫁给了斯巴达国王梅纳雷阿斯。She was the daughter of Zeus and was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta, by her stepfather.

今天我发现我妈再婚了,现在我有了后爹和后弟。Today, I found out my mother had remarried, and that I was getting a stepfather and stepbrother.

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魏格纳说,他数周前偶遇凯伦.克莱恩的继父,才能找到她。Wagner said he was able to track down Karen Cline after running into her stepfather a few weeks ago.

我在小的时候常常去教堂,我是在教堂长大的。我母亲和我的继父也是在那边认识的。I grew up attending the UnitarianChurchin Bangor, Maine, which is where my mother and my stepfather met.

继父虽然不光着身子行走,可每次特丽莎洗澡,他都往浴室里钻。Her stepfather did not walk about naked but he did go into the bathroom every time Tereza was in the bath.