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吓人的是那张床。It's the bed that is frightening.

这些统计数据令人心寒。These are frightening statistics.

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这就是它看起来那么可怕的原因。This is why it looks so frightening.

他说那是一个令人害怕的数字。He said that's a "frightening figure.

这部恐怖电影很吓人的。The horror movie was very frightening.

把这次令人恐惧的事件写成故事。Write a story of the frightening event.

他以吓人的方式讲故事。He told the story in a frightening manner.

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诸位,果报是可怕的。Everyone, karmic retribution is frightening.

这种流行病传播范围之广令人惊惶不安。The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.

不骗你,我最不喜欢给人惊吓。I'm not lying, I don't enjoy frightening people.

昨天,我们收到了一封恐吓性质的“连锁信”。We received a frightening chain letter yesterday.

用洋话骂人吓唬男孩和女娃。Of oaths and gibberish frightening girls and boys.

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越来越接近的蹄声是很骇人的。The sounds of approaching hooves were frightening.

独自呆在房间里,她感到胆颤心惊。It's frightening to be here in her room by herself.

霹雳闪电-我非常非常可怕。Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me.

惊恐完全慑服了我,使我几乎麻痹。I succumbed to the frightening and was hardly in lull.

我是说,当时的感觉坏透了,很恐怖。So, I mean, the feeling was very bad, very frightening.

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对于飞速发展的中国大陆而言,这是一次可怕的衰退。For the revved-up mainland, that's a frightening plunge.

请把你的狗叫开□□已经吓著孩子了。Please call your dog off it 's frightening the children.

他们装扮成鬼、巫婆或者可怕的吸血鬼。They dress up as ghosts, witches or frightening Dracula.