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这段时期中国的通胀率维持在非常低的水平。Inflation over that period was shockingly low.

是个很丑的老太婆,黑得简直象煤炭一样。A shockingly ugly old person, almost as black as coal.

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然而,理想中的乌托邦结果却是灰暗、苍白地,震人发愦。But the promised Utopia turned out to be shockingly grim and grey.

接下去,那位年轻的母亲提到一种挺新的代用品。Then the young mother mentioned some shockingly modern succedaneum.

民众们用那些令人吃惊的粗俗不堪的人格侮辱攻击国会议员和总统。Ordinary people abuse Congressmen and President with shockingly personal insults.

所以尽管海地国内生产总值低的惊人,民众的生活成本依然很高,几乎与美国的水平相当。So despite a shockingly low GDP, the cost of living is very high—on par with the U.S.

医生经常错过检查患高风险糖尿病患者的机会,令人震惊。Shockingly often, doctors miss opportunities to test people at high risk for diabetes.

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然而,它们又是以不知不觉的渐进方式和极度震撼的快速方式同时发生着。But it's all happening in ways that are both imperceptibly gradual and shockingly fast.

足球是一个以极其低廉价的价格向公众出售的体育项目,达斯勒打算把它置诸掌中。It was a sport shockingly undersold to the public and Dassler had plans to address that.

印度尼西亚,苏拉威西省,布纳肯岛,附近的暗礁上呆着一只漂亮的海星。A shockingly colored sea star clings to a reef off Bunaken Island in Sulawesi, Indonesia.

所有证据都证明,生态技术即使不具震撼性的效益,也是符合成本效益的。All evidence points to ecological technology being cost effective, if not shockingly profitable.

在他与克里斯汀·斯图尔特的爱情这个话题上,罗伯特.帕丁森一直都守口如瓶。One subject on which Pattinson has been shockingly tight-lipped is his romance with Kristen Stewart.

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这些鱼能长到一百磅,几乎能吃掉任何东西,对新环境的适应能力强的惊人。These fish can grow to 100 pounds and will eat just aboutanything, adapting shockingly well to new environments.

事实上弥尔顿对于把他的文学野心,公之于众一点也不尴尬。It's just a fact that Milton is shockingly unembarrassed about making public all of his highest literary ambitions.

态度上的抵制仍是障碍,并且避孕用具的获取情况尽管有所改善,但仍非常有限。Attitudinal resistance remains a barrier and access to contraceptives, though improving, is still shockingly limited.

更加令人惊讶的是文件名上面还显示某些特定的女人是否愿意用打炮来偿还债务。More shockingly the file names also suggested whether or not a particular woman would be willing to repay loans with sex.

因为,一个律师事务所唯一的真正财富是其合伙人,当合伙人从几个人的离去转变成批量出走时,律所的倒闭就可计日而待了。Since a firm's only real assets are its partners, when a few departures turn into an exodus, the end can be shockingly quick.

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黑人贫困区女人健康状况以不可思议的速度退化,这一状况同样直接对母亲们产生影响。The shockingly rapid deterioration in health experienced by women in poor black neighbourhoods also directly affects mothers.

足以让人震惊地是,这位以买入便持有闻名的投资家在过去的几个季度里一直在抛售一些他一直长期持有的股票。Shockingly enough, the famed buy-and-hold investor has been dumping shares of some long-term holdings over the past few quarters.

它是由这之前,他唯一的其他小说,文学作品的形式更刻板,但同样令人吃惊的原始内容。It was preceded by this, his only other novel, a work more straitlaced in literary form but just as shockingly original in content.