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调整绞车刹把。Adjust the brake band.

调节导叶的开度。Adjust the guide glade.

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他反对这个调整。He deprecates the adjust.

然后再调节、继续。Then adjust and continue.

请调一下室内天线。Please adjust the antenna.

调整起步价。To adjust flag-down price.

不用调整你的显示器。Do not adjust your monitor.

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您如何调整自己的?How do you adjust yourself?

调整隔水管张力。Adjust the riser tensioners.

这意味着你要调整自己。It means you have to adjust.

调节阻尼和拉力。Adjust the damping and tension.

你会调整你的预提税额吗?Do you adjust your withholding?

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吩咐那女孩把衣服穿得整齐些。Tell the girl to adjust herself.

我可以给您调整一下镜架吗?May I adjust this frame for you ?

要根据通货膨胀进行调整.You have to adjust for inflation.

期间休养生息,调整心情。Period and relax, adjust the mood.

上下方向滑动调整音量。Slide up or down to adjust volume.

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我必须把手表拨正,它慢了。I must adjust my watch, it is slow.

这也要求我们做出更多的调整。Much requires us to adjust as well.

能达到供需平衡。Supply is able to adjust to demand.