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我们敢于走前人未尝走过的新路。We dare to break a path unbeaten before.

最终是瑞士人占了上风,结束德约科维奇2011年开始的不败战绩。The Fed prevailed, ending Djokovic's unbeaten start to 2011.

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他的8.06米的跳远纪录一直保持了25年没被打破。His 8.06-meter long jump record remained unbeaten for 25 years.

他的8.06米的跳远纪录不断保持了25年没被打破。His 8.06-meter long jump record remained unbeaten for 25 years.

而恰加耶夫职业生涯保持全胜,且从未被野蛮痛打。Chagaev, unbeaten as a pro, has never been in a brutally taxing fight.

我们从来没有计划过要保持不败,我们的目标只是永远争胜。We never set out to go unbeaten . Our intention was always just want to win.

堪萨斯大学校队本赛季的不败记录毁在了老对手密苏里大学的手里。Kansas' unbeaten season came to an end at the hands of their arch-rival Missouri.

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在过去七场比赛中都灵都未被击败,拉涅利已经意识到了比赛的艰难。Torino are unbeaten in seven games and Ranieri is well aware of the task in hand.

渴望被视为开拓新路是奥巴马形象的一部分。The desire to be seen as treading on an unbeaten path is a part of the Obama brand.

对于库伊特以及他的众队友们来说本赛季余下的每一场联赛都像是世界杯决赛,必须争胜!Dirk Kuyt has challenged himself and his teammates to go the rest of the season unbeaten.

原来未败过的索利斯后来陈述在受到猛击之后他的右膝受伤了。The previously unbeaten Solis later stated that he injured his right knee after the punch.

然而太妃糖在客场却也连续六场不败,其最近的四次客场作战都以平局告终。The Toffees are however unbeaten in six away matches, drawing on their last four road trips.

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巴萨在国家德比中已取得五连胜,而皇马此前的26场不败记录也就此完结。The defeat was its fifth straight in the Clásico, and it ended their 26-game unbeaten streak.

利物浦在斯坦福桥1比0战胜切尔西终结了他们86场不败金身。Liverpool ended Chelsea's 86-match unbeaten home record with a 1-0 victory at Stamford Bridge.

快马的目标是延续他们在DW球场的地方德比战中5场不败的纪录。The Trotters aim to stretch their unbeaten run to five matches in a local derby at the DW Stadium.

默西塞德人在各项比赛中八场不败,打进了足总杯半决赛。The Merseysiders are unbeaten in eight in all competitions, reaching the semi-finals of the FA Cup.

本赛季纳赛尔看起来在预备队中相当活跃,也是预备队联赛至今不败的功臣。Nacer has looked lively so far this season and has been a key figure in the reserves unbeaten start.

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埃弗顿做客此前不败的富勒姆,同样追求联赛中第一个三分。Everton are also looking for their first three points of the campaign as they travel to unbeaten Fulham.

目前利兹联排名英甲联赛榜首,他们在足球联赛四支球队之一仍然保持不败金身。Leeds are currently top of League One and are one of just four teams still unbeaten in the Football League.

让本人们的心在音乐的世界里碰撞,击出朵朵绚烂的火花,在你本人心头长开不败。Let our heart in the music world collision, bright sparks, were allowed in my heart you long open unbeaten.