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他是个无法自拔的混球,认为自己是只狡猾的狐狸?That he is an irrepressible jackass who thinks of himself as a sly fox?

网上出现新一波病毒式传播的图片,对英国暴乱极尽调侃之能事。Irrepressible virals try to take a lighthearted view of England's unrest.

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即使面对无法抑制的恐惧,除非死亡,我也绝不放弃。Even if facing with the irrepressible fear, I will not give up unless I died.

一天亨德森与健壮的康纳利进行了促膝长谈,康似乎已打定注意。One day, Henderson had a long talk with the muscle man whose determination seemed irrepressible.

由于其势不可挡的经济增长,中国的国民收入超出其规划人员的预期。Thanks to its irrepressible growth, China’s national income is bigger than its planners expected.

到11月份,压力已经让其他两人喘不过气,包括按捺不住的刘洋.By November, the pressure had taken its toll on two of the others, including the irrepressible Liu Yang.

他谈起计划来,就会兴高采烈,但也常形容自己是想要舀干大海的小桶。Irrepressible as he was, bubbling over with plans, he often used the image of a little bucket bailing out an ocean.

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这个安静的白墙建筑物是人们远离喧嚣的都市、偷得浮生半日闲的好去处。The peace and serenity of this white-walled complex is a welcome relief from the irrepressible energy of the city outside.

美国人很看重思想的自由和新点子,这些价值观能使你在人群中脱颖而出。Americans value freedom of thought and new ideas, and these values are coupled to an irrepressible urge to stand out in the crowd.

辛迪的满腔热情和非凡成就让她成了中东地区和世界各地女性的榜样。Sindi’s irrepressible passion and accomplishments have made her a role model for women and girls across the Middle East and the world.

巴萨的全明星阵容包括了势不可挡的梅西和所向无敌的西班牙国家队众多球员。Barcelona's star-studded squad includes the irrepressible Lionel Messi and a sizeable chunk of the all-conquering Spanish national side.

你犹豫不决的态度以及抑制不住的冷淡与事态的严重性完全不相称。Your irresolute attitude, coupled with your irrepressible sense of nonchalance simply is inappropriate to the seriousness of the situation.

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罗丝亨特搬到郊外一间古怪屋,九岁活泼好动的她,误打误撞进入一个充满神秘和未知的奇怪国度。After moving to a spooky, old house in the country, the irrepressible Roxy Hunter stumbles into a weird world of unsolved mysteries and the unknown.

如果政治家采取了这种做法,企业家抑制不住的乐观情绪将会得到充分释放,真正的重建才会开始。If the politicians do that, the irrepressible optimism of entrepreneurs will be fully unleashed, and genuine rebuilding from the downturn can begin.

红桃想着刚刚和斗秀商谈的事很是开心,而斗秀还给她发来了信息,红桃是抑制不住的兴奋。Red peach thought about just and bucket show to talk about is very happy, she sent a message back, and show the red peach is irrepressible excitement.

再一次回归至他早期作品的狭隘主题,伊恩·麦克尤恩创造出了一个具有难以克制的欲望和野心的反主角。In a return to the glorious mean-spiritedness of his earlier work, McEwan has created an anti-hero of uncontainable appetites and irrepressible ambition.

望着父亲苍老的侧脸庞和爬上两鬓的白发,我的泪水再也抑制不住地如潮水般汹涌而出。Looking at his father's side of face, and climb the hoary temples of white hair , my tears no longer irrepressible manner, like a tidal wave surging out.

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我们驻挪威大使戴维·赫梅林有着挪威兼犹太血统,他闲不住,也想尽一份力,就忙着为巴拉克和阿拉法特准备符合犹太教饮食习惯的热狗。Our ambassador, David Hermelin, an irrepressible man of Norwegian-Jewish descent, tried to do his part by serving kosher hot dogs to both Barak and Arafat.

就这样喜欢悄悄地想着你,在沉默中咀嚼过往的点滴,抑制不住的牵念让我习惯了出神习惯了品味什么叫等待。In this way quietly thinking like you, in silence, chewing the past bit by bit, irrepressible Qiannian so I'm used to the taste of what trance used to wait.

我站起来,自己也觉得嘴上带着一种压抑不住的表情,这引起了我那向门瞪视着的同伴转过头来望着我。I rose with an irrepressible expression of what I felt on my lips, which induced my companion, who had been staring towards the door, to turn and look at me.