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他要不要每天都戴上它?Will he wear the headgear every day?

例如毛巾,泳帽等…For example, washcloth, swimming headgear. Etc.

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大人们都是这个样子,以衣冠取人。The adults are like this, take people to the headgear.

图为她和哈里王子说笑的场景。Kate and her imposing headgear share a laugh with Prince Harry.

她们喜欢带七彩的帽子和穿着颜色艳丽的民族服装。They like to wear rainbow-colored headgear and bright-colored dresses.

法国革命时期名噪一时的头巾也可能是帽子的来源。The Phrygian headgear of French Revolution fame might be one influence.

他们于是决定用金属头盔取代布帽子。They therefore decided to replace the cloth headgear with metal helmets.

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古时候的帽饰古时候的古时候包括男子的帽子和女子的假发。Headgear in ancient times included hats for men and hairpieces for women.

然而,一些士兵抱怨说,这套装甲衣和头盔的样式实在难看。But some troops have complained that the armour and headgear is inelegant.

整个帽子仅重0.045千克,差不多相当于一口袋零钱的重量。The headgear weighs just 1.6 ounces, about as much as a pocketful of change.

这是首台脑电波扫描仪,抛弃了笨重的头盔,可戴在胳膊或腿上。It’s the first brain-wave scanner to be worn on an arm or leg, forgoing clunky headgear.

切赫很满意自己在对利物浦比赛中的表现,而且他的头盔没有一点问题。Cech felt happy with his performance against Liverpool and had no problems with his headgear.

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贝雷帽原本作为法国农民传统的帽子已经很少在法国生产了。The traditional headgear of the French farmer, the beret, is now rarely made in France itself.

回来继续说彼得。带着一种新型全天候保护性头盔的他闪亮归队。Hats on, conversely, for Petr, who returns clad in exciting new all-weather protective headgear.

衣裙飘曳,巾带飞舞,四周天花飞落,自由欢乐,漫游于天空。Endoscopy Piaoye, headgear with fluttering around the ceiling falls, the free fun, roaming in the sky.

冬天我也经常戴套头帽,也是那种套的十分紧不卷边的,由于确实很温暖。In the winter I often Daitao headgear is not the kind of sets a very tight curling, due to really warm.

为了使工作更安全,英国的消防员将获配备星球大战式的「头盔」。Britain's firemen are being equipped with Star Wars-style "headgear" in an attempt to make their job safer.

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这就是你穿上虚拟现实装备后置身于“卡通”教室的情景——RizzoHere's what you might see when you're wearing virtual-reality headgear that puts you in a "cartoon" classroom.

在此期间,打算去阿尔卑斯山旅行的人恐怕要非常小心地选择冬天的帽子了。In the meantime, anyone planning a trip to the Alps might want to select their winter headgear very carefully.

凯特有成百上千的帽子和羽毛头饰,但花朵装饰的头饰却是她的最爱。Whilst she has hundreds of hats and fascinators, her favourite style is a floral embellishedpiece of headgear.