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巴勒斯坦的一个古国,位于死海与亚喀巴湾之间。An ancient country of Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba.

以东座落在死海东南方,一直延伸到亚迦巴湾。Edom was located southeast of the Dead Sea and extended to the Gulf of Aqaba.

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还有死海,还有亚喀巴港,那里有不可思议的珊瑚礁。There is also the Dead Sea, and Aqaba , where we have an incredible Coral Reef!

元芳、曾泰在月氏看到的沙尔汗的孪生弟弟亚喀又是怎么回事?Yuan Fang, has Thailand seen in Yuezhi Khan's twin brother Chaar Aqaba how was it?

在苏伊士湾和亚喀巴湾延伸从红海向地中海。The Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba extend from the Red Sea toward the Mediterranean.

然而,朋友说,人们没有意识到这个问题,他们更愿意关注Aqaba。However, the friend says that people simply are not aware and would rather care about Aqaba.

约旦方面接船后,乘车简单游览亚喀巴市容,眺望以色列港口埃拉特夜景,随后送往月亮沙漠中的帐篷宿营地。Receive the group at Aqaba port afternoon, short time city tour in Aqaba city, send to tent camp in Wadi Rumi.

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最北穿过叙利亚和黎巴嫩,越过约旦河谷、死海和亚喀巴湾.The northernmost extension runs through Syria and Lebanon, the Jordan valley, the Dead Sea, and the Gulf of Aqaba.

沙特阿拉伯西北部的一个地区,濒临亚喀巴湾及红海。境内有圣城麦加和麦地那。A region of northwest Saudi Arabia on the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea. It includes the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

他谈起了一个想法,在临近突尼斯边界的地方建一个旅游城,一个像亚喀巴和迪拜一样的无签证免税区。He spoke of an idea for a tourist town near the Tunisian border, a tax- and visa-free zone like those in Aqaba and Dubai.

亚喀巴湾与古城佩特拉极为接近,最近已被选定为世界新七大奇迹之一。Aqaba is in close proximity to the ancient city of Petra, recently designated as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World.

约旦是中东的一个内陆国家,南部的亚喀巴港是通往红海的出口。Jordan is a Landlocked country in the middle east, with the port of Aqaba in the south giving it a narrow outlet to the Red Sea.

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阿巴斯重申了他在2003年亚喀巴峰会中的声明,表示巴勒斯坦民族权力机构有必要控制所有在其区域内的武装力量。Abbas reiterated his declaration from the 2003 Aqaba Summit about the need for the PA to have a monopoly on armed force within its territory.

最受欢迎的网站,为这种类型的旅游业是东部沿海的亚喀巴湾,大多是岩石海岸,与一,立即深水港的优势。The most favored site for this type of tourism is the eastern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba , a mostly rocky coast with an immediately deep-water edge.

巴勒斯坦的一个古国,位于死海与亚喀巴湾之间。根据旧约记载,其原始居民是以扫的后裔。An ancient country of Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. According to the Old Testament, the original inhabitants were descendants of Esau.

在由南非德班巡游至意大利热那亚港的途中,“梅洛迪”号昨天晚上按预定行程停靠在约旦海岸的亚喀巴。The Melody, on a cruise from Durban in South Africa to the Italian port of Genoa, was last night continuing to a scheduled stop at Aqaba on the Jordanian coast.

同年,不知详细时间,萨拉丁袭击并夺取了十字军堡垒埃拉特,它建在亚喀巴湾湾岬外的一座岛上。It is unclear exactly when, but during that same year, he attacked and captured the Crusader castle of Eilat, built on an island off the head of the Gulf of Aqaba.

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因此红海和苏伊士湾还有阿卡巴湾会裂开并且一直撕到约旦,留下西奈半岛四面八方都没什么联系跟个岛屿一样。Thus both the Red Sea at the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba tearing up into Jordan will rip open, leaving the Sinai Peninsula positioned like an island with few direct attachments.

对当地的阿拉伯人来说要穿越内夫得沙漠都是不可能的,劳伦斯却说服他们,如果他们穿越沙漠,他们将会从后方突袭取得土耳其的亚喀巴港口。The crossing of the Nefud desert if considered impossible, even by the local Arabs, but Lawrence persuades them that, in this way, they can take the Turkish port at Aqaba from the rear.