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领主表明自我身份。The suzerain identifies himself.

以优越的或者权威的位置。The position or authority of a suzerain.

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犹太人可以仰仗上帝,就像奴隶可以依靠领主。Israel can rely on God, just as a vassal can rely on his suzerain.

现代移民对宗主国来说已经成为一支不可忽视的建设力量。And modern immigrants have become force that cannot be neglected for a suzerain state.

辽朝与高丽的关系为境外藩属国的关系。The relationship between Liao Dynasty and Gaoli Dynasty belonged to the one of suzerain and dependency.

现在,近东古代的领主契约模式,也重复出现在奴隶对领主的赞美中。Now, Ancient Near Eastern suzerainty models also speak repeatedly of the vassal's love for the suzerain.

现在,近东古代的领主契约模式,也重复出现在奴隶对领主的赞美中。Now, Ancient Near Eastern suzerainty models also speak repeatedly of the vassal's love for the suzerain.

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由于历史原因,非洲国家的法律制度不可避免地受到了前宗主国法律的影响。The current legal system is influenced inevitably by former suzerain in African state because of the reason of history.

殖民地代表议会把弹劾当作与宗主国和业主官员进行斗争的工具,极力争取与英国议会平等的地位。The colonial Assemblies used impeachment asweapon to struggle with colonial governors and suzerain for equal station withEnglish parliament.

1879年日本吞并琉球,进而威胁到朝鲜的安全和清朝与朝鲜的宗藩关系。In 1879 Japan annexed the Ryukyu Islands, then threatened Korea's security with the Qing Dynasty and Korea's relation the "suzerain and vassal state".

英国政府承认了新政权,1910年不丹以政治自治为条件加入英联邦。The British government recognised the new monarchy, and in 1910 Bhutan became a suzerain of the British government in exchange for political autonomy.

令人难以置信的是,正是在这个介于西班牙和法国之间的荒凉的、无人关注的大公国里,塞拉斯被拯救了。Incredibly, it was in that barren and forsaken suzerain between Spain and France, shivering in his stone cell, wanting only to die, that Silas had been saved.

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上帝定意用祂的审判以回报巴比伦所行的恶,使好几国集体背叛曾经压迫他们的宗主国。God purposed to bring about His judgment to repay Babylon for the evil they had done by the gathering of several nations in rebellion against their oppressive suzerain.

春秋末期,晋国六卿各自为政,身为赵氏宗主的赵简子高瞻远瞩,从赵氏的长远利益出发,制定了“北进战略”。It was at the very moment that the suzerain of Jin, Zhao Jianzi, worked out a series of far-reaching strategies towards the northern movement, which benefited the royal clan in the long run.

领主的嫉妒成为禁止与非耶和华信仰的人,进行亲密接触的诱因,因为与这些盟国接触,会导致对这些人所崇拜的神的认同。The jealousy of the suzerain is the motivation for prohibitions against certain intimate contacts with non-Yahweh peoples, because these alliances will end up entailing recognition of the gods of these peoples.