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贫非罪。Poverty is not a crime.

和贫困率并不相关。That's not about poverty.

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我们如何衡量贫困呢?How do we measure poverty?

贫穷是另一个障碍。Poverty is another hurdle.

他们嘲笑他是个穷光蛋。They mocked at his poverty.

我猜我喜欢看这种赤裸裸的贫困。I guess I like poverty porn.

家贫,是烧柴火的。Of poverty is the wood fire.

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他们仍生活贫困。They still dwelt in poverty.

他曾饱尝贫穷之苦。He is no stranger to poverty.

我们必须抵御贫穷。We must fend against poverty.

他陷入贫困之中。He brought himself to poverty.

正正当当的贫穷并非耻辱。Honest poverty is no disgrace.

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他因贫病而死。He died of poverty and illness.

贫穷是一头残忍的野兽。Poverty is a cruel wild animal.

贫穷往往助长犯罪。Poverty often encourages crime.

破衣烂衫暗示贫穷。Ragged clothing infers poverty.

破衣烂衫意味着贫穷。Ragged clothing infers poverty.

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犯罪常与贫困共存。Crime often exists with poverty.

疾病与贫困常相伴而生。Disease often goes with poverty.

这是一个安于贫穷的打算。That is a poverty of aspiration.