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它具有启示力量。It's almost apocalyptic in its force.

还有谁是启示主义先知?保罗。Who else was an apocalyptic prophet? Paul.

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也许是我的世界末日远见的完美衬托。Perhaps it is the perfect foil to my apocalyptic vision.

大多数是世界末日的预言伪经的形式。Most of the prophetical Apocrypha are apocalyptic in form.

天启式的种族灭绝和“别轻信古龙水?对啊,-是的。Apocalyptic genocide and "go easy on the cologne"?Yeah. yes.

早期基督教最初就是犹太教启示主义派系。Early Christianity starts off as an apocalyptic Jewish sect.

他们认为他们生活在一个天启的时刻。Theyare going to think they are living in an apocalyptic time.

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是否想象过在一个荒蛮未知的世界,生活会是什么样?Ever wonder what life will be like in a post- apocalyptic world?

启示录的期待,展现了我们现在所了解的世界末日。Apocalyptic expectations, envisaging the end of the world as we know it.

孟他努是一个基督徒世界末日的运动,出现在二维世纪。Montanism was a Christian apocalyptic movement that arose in the 2d century.

末世的灭忙如何挑战世上的价值观?What worldly values are challenged by the picture of apocalyptic destruction?

卡扎菲上校嘶声力竭,他的演讲更像是跳大神了。Colonel Qaddafi ranted and raved, his speeches becoming even more apocalyptic.

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保罗在启示异象里看到了耶稣,但是他没有见过耶稣本人。Paul saw Jesus in apocalyptic visions, but he never saw Jesus' flesh and blood.

如今冷漠的现状预示着人性的失落。The current air of apocalyptic apathy is indicitive of how much humanity has lost.

他强调指出,这种举措将缓解疾病带来的重大天灾风险。This, he noted, would temper the risk of an apocalyptic conflagration of diseases.

但在墨西哥湾海岸的舆论正变得越来越激烈和末世论。But the consensus around the Gulf Coast is turning more apoplectic and apocalyptic.

约翰用犹太人末世的体裁写启示录。John used in The book of Revelation a Jewish style of writing known as Apocalyptic.

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据说有令人难以忍受的巨大响声,昭示着大灾难的狂风,以及诡异的蓝光。There were reports of unbearably loud sounds, apocalyptic winds, strange blue lights.

那么那些针对气候变化政策的世界末日似的警告又是从哪里来的呢?So where do the apocalyptic warnings about the cost of climate-change policy come from?

比如说,启示论传统以及新柏拉图主义的体验与象征。for instance, the apocalyptic traditions and Neoplatonic experiences and symbolizations.