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你还记得卢埃林的故事吗?Do you remember the story of Llewellyn?

朱莉亚·勒维林,记者、小说家,目前居住在伦敦。Julia Llewellyn lives in London and works as a journalist.

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塔斯马尼亚重要产业部部长,大卫?勒文尼对此上诉表示欢迎。Tasmanian Primary Industries Minister David Llewellyn has welcomed the appeal.

影片中的密室的安全设置是不标准的,Llewellyn说。The room in the movie did not have the right set-up or security, Llewellyn said.

但是,卢埃林说,过去漏油灾难的经历表明,损害将是持久的。Still, Llewellyn says experience from previous oil disasters suggests the damage will be long lasting.

Llewellyn还认为,在需求方面,中国、印度和印尼等较大经济体必须转向发掘内需以保持经济的增长.On the demand side, bigger economies like China, India and Indonesia must turn to domestic sources of growth, Llewellyn argues.

卢维林认为法官审判会受到法官的价值判断以及他们对于从前案件的结果的解释的影响。Llewellyn viewed judge's decisions as being necessarily shaped by the judges' value judgments and their interpretations of the outcomes of previous cases.

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克里斯·卢埃林·史密斯爵士教授,这份报告的主席说,他对这一增长并不感到惊讶因为中国对研发投资的大幅增长。Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, chair of the report, said he was "not surprised" by this increase because of China's massive boost to investment in R&D.

卢埃林表示,"仁慈号"及其工作人员与印度尼西亚政府、新加坡、德国和澳大利亚军方等其他方面进行了合作,为灾民提供医疗服务。Llewellyn said the Mercy and its staff have worked with Indonesian authorities, Singaporean, German and Australian military and others in providing health care.

环境保护组织世界野生动物基金称环境污染及石油天然气的钻取是破坏珊瑚海生态系统的其中的威胁因素。Gilly Llewellyn from the conservation organization WWF says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the Coral Sea's ecosystem.

本文首先对于法律现实主义的出现的背景予以交代,明晰在当时的历史条件下卢埃林及法律现实主义运动产生的合理性。At first, my article appeared for the legal background of realism to be accountable, clear under the historical conditions at that time Llewellyn and the legal realism movement is reasonable.

Llewellyn写道,"在可持续的基础上实现这种总需求的快速增长,可能是亚洲经济体未来10年面临的最大经济政策挑战.""Realizing this brisk growth of aggregate demand, in a sustainable manner, is perhaps the greatest economic policy challenge facing the Asian economies in the decade ahead," Llewellyn writes.