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霏欧纳阻止了她。Fiona stopped her.

眼泪停止了。The tears stopped.

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他于1990年候停止打嗝。He stopped in 1990.

他停发我的工资。He stopped my wages.

他停下手头的工作哈哈大笑起来。He stopped to laugh.

茱莉亚阻止了霏欧纳。Julia stopped Fiona.

所以我不再等待。So I stopped waiting.

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我再也不做噩梦了。My nightmares stopped.

谁阻止了犀牛?Who stopped the rhino?

他停得太突然了。He stopped too suddenly.

他停止哼歌,说,“为什么?He stopped humming. “Why?

软木塞砰的一声拔开。I stopped it with a cork.

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蛐蛐声都停止了。The crickets had stopped.

他找到了那个大坟墓。He stopped the large tomb.

他的心脏停止了跳动。His heart stopped beating.

马车停下来,他被抓住了。It stopped. He was caught.

所有的车都停了,为什么呢?All cars have stopped. Why?

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他停止吃红色的肉制品。He stopped eating red meat.

他停下来跟我讲话。He stopped to talk with me.

公共汽车司机停下了车。The busman stopped the bus.