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有人情味。Be human.

这就是人。This is human.

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他们是真人吗?Are they human?

我只是个人类嘛。Yeah, I’m human.

城市是如此地拟人化。City is so Human.

人胰岛素注射液…Insulin Human Inj.

我们大家都是凡人。We are only human.

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技术抑或人为失误?Tech or human fail?

那是人的天性。That's human being.

曾有人性居守。Has human nature been.

人类而非能人?Human But Not Habilis?

所有被遗弃者都是人类。All Forsaken are human.

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半人。半兽。Half human. Half beast.

不要再叠罗汉了!No more human pyramids.

准许为人。Permission to be human.

这些都是人的身体!These are human bodies!

毕竟我们都是凡人。After all, we are human.

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每个人都是罪人。Every human is a sinner.

人力资源验核。Human Resource Auditing.

这是人的普遍共性。It is a human universal.