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平显可以告诉我正在以多快的速度往下掉。The HUD actually shows me how fast I'm falling.

我可以从平显上的指示看到尾滑是否开始了。I'll see the cue in my HUD when it starts sliding.

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雷达方位角现在只有左、中、右三个区域。There is a radar elevation zone indication on the HUD.

过于复杂的HUD与看起来黏胡胡的选单…过时了。The overly busy HUD and tacky looking menus seem out of date.

健康,重生计时器,和目前的状态显示在平视显示器。Health, Respawn timer, and current Status are shown on the HUD.

我不能够只依靠平显上显示的数据来飞行。I cannot just fly it off of the data I am receiving in the HUD.

这是令人震惊的有多少人甚至不知道什么叫“平视显示器家园”的。It's astounding how many folks don't even know what "HUD Homes" are.

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我检查了一下平显上的数据,确认自己有足够的高度继续后面的动作。I check the HUD to make sure I have the altitude I need to push over.

他发现,住房和城市发展部常常是纽约革新的障碍。Often the only roadblock to innovation in New York, he found, was HUD.

我通过平显来判断飞机是否到达了要开始恢复高度和速度的时候。I look at the HUD to see if I'm going to recover on altitude or airspeed limits.

固定的一个错误,这是造成住房和城市发展部,以不显示,除非刷新率为0。Fixed a bug that was causing the HUD to not display unless the refresh rate was 0.

但是多诺万先生说“危机存在机会”,美国住房与城市发展部试图抓住这个机会。But “in crisis, there is opportunity”, says Mr Donovan. And HUD is trying to seize it.

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在我的姿态回复正常的那个时候,我就可以不用盯着平显而是转头看看舱外。Once I became comfortable with it, I could look outside instead of staring at the HUD.

在我竞选总统之前,我们就已是朋友,而且他在住房和城市发展部干得非常出色。We had been friends since before I ran for President, and he had done a brilliant job at HUD.

当迷你步哨枪被放置了电子工兵时,没有在左上角的列表中出现警告提示。以及工程师也可能不会说出相应的人物台词。A sapped Mini-sentry will not show an alert on HUD and the Engineer may not say a fitting line.

这项新技术将在未来的直升机头盔显示器项目中按客户要求进行实施。The new technology will be implemented in future Helicopter HUD programs per customer requests.

我盯着平显上显示的空速、高度,还有平显外距离展览中心1500英尺处的位置。I watch my HUD for airspeed and altitude and look outside for the 1,500-foot show line and show center.

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他曾为美国总统比尔·克林顿工作,并且在学术界以及私人住宅方面下过功夫。He worked for HUD under Bill Clinton, and has spent time in academia as well as in the private housing sector.

示数观测镜是用于光装工位的平视显示器视差调校设备,精确方便。As an equipment for the adjustment and correction of HUD parallax, reading indicator is accurate and convenient.

我将我的高度计进行了调节直到平显上的读数显示为零,这样在整个表演期间我所看到的读数都是对地的相对高度。I dial my altimeter until it reads zero feet in the HUD so I have above-ground-level readings during the routine.