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刚刚首映釜山的获奖电影!A freshly premiered and awarded Pusan film!

港龙航空公司来回香港至釜山机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Pusan on KA.

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朝鲜势力企图突破釜山周长。North Korean forces attempted to break through the Pusan perimeter.

如今,作为一名营级指挥官,他在釜山及仁川的表现良好。Now, as a battalion commander, he had done well at Pusan and Inchon.

在经过一天的分批登船之后拥挤不堪的船只就带着陆战队员们驶向釜山。A day's steaming on board the jam-packed ships took the Marines to Pusan.

与上海港直接竞争的是釜山港、神户港和高雄港。The competitors to Shanghai Port are Pusan Port, Shenhu Port and Kaohsiung Port.

在先前的釜山防线战斗中,他已经是陆战队暂编第一旅的参谋长。Earlier, in the Pusan Perimeter, he had been chief of staff of the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade.

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2005年底,在韩国釜山国际电影节上,巫俊峰加入亚洲电影研究会。In late 2005, he attended the Asian Film Academy at the Pusan International Film Festival in Korea.

图为女主角周冬雨和男主角窦骁7日在第15届釜山国际电影节上在放映影片前接受采访。Hawthorn Tree" at the 15th Pusan International Film Festival in Pusan, South Korea, on Oct. 7, 2010."

韩国东南部城市,位于釜山西部。港口于899年开放对外贸易。人口424,000。A city of southeast South Korea west of Pusan. Its port was opened to foreign trade in 899. Population, 424,000.

蔚山韩国西南部一城市,位于朝鲜海峡沿岸、釜山东北偏北。是一个工业中心。人口345700。A city of southwest south korea on korea strait north-northeast of pusan. it is an industrial center. Population 345700.

照理说,我应该有大把的机会去釜山或者其他韩国电影节,但确实没有过。Normally, I should have had plenty of chances to go to Pusan or other Korean film festivals, but it hasn't been that way.

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韩国南部城市,位于釜山以西。是位于农业区的运输中心。人口29,000。A city of southern South Korea west of Pusan. It is a transportation center in an agricultural region. Population, 29,000.

胡锦涛在访问德国之后,还将访问西班牙和韩国,并出席在韩国釜山举行的亚太经合组织第十三次领导人非正式会议。He will also pay state visits to Spain and the Republic of Korea and attend the 13th APEC Leaders Informal Meeting in Pusan.

本研究的基本目的在于分析当今韩国釜山地铁一号线内的壁画设置实况。The basic objective of the present study is to analyze the configuration of the mural paintings inside Pusan Subway Line No.

1952年期间,保存的血液仓库维持在韩国的釜山和首尔,其中有三个高级仓库维持在美军陆军第八区。During 1952, reserve blood depots were maintained in Korea at Pusan and Seoul, and three advanced depots were maintained in Eighth U. S.

目前,釜山电影节因其刻意规避综合性,而在亚洲影展中独树一帜。At present, because Pusan film festival it dodges the comprehensive nature desirably, but establishes a new school in the Asian film preview.

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浦项韩国东南一城市,位于日本海的一海湾沿岸、釜山东北偏北。它是一个重工业加工中心。人口200,500。A city of southeast South Korea on an inlet of the Sea of Japan north-northeast of Pusan. It is a processing center with heavy industries. Population, 200, 500.

7日,韩国最大的港口城市釜山举行"国际观舰式",成为日前韩国庆祝建军60周年的亮点。The International Fleet Review opened Tuesday in South Korea's biggest port city, Pusan. The event commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Korea's armed forces.

釜山国际电影节导演金东浩,在韩国这座海滨度假城市晚宴上,将这一奖项颁给这位77岁资深导演和制片人。Pusan International Film Festival director Kim Dong-ho presented the award to the 77-year-old veteran director and producer at banquet in the South Korean beach resort city late Friday.