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它能够增长。It can grow.

身强力壮。And grow strong.

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然后我们就长大了。Then we grow up.

于是我壮健的长大了。And now I grow up.

农夫种稻子。Farmers grow rice.

蕨类植物怎么生长?How do ferns grow?

啊呀,我的儿子长大了!Oh, my son grow up!

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和梦想一起长大輀!Grow up with dreams!

牛油树成长了!Grow an Avocado Tree!

恶习易染。Ill weeds grow apace.

花长在哪里?Where do flowers grow?

连同我一起变旧!Grow old along with me!

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我就像个长不大的孩子。I like a child grow up.

你们需要空间来成长。You need space to grow.

不管怎样,你总会长大的。You'll grow up somehow.

你能栽植出一个花园吗?Could you grow a garden?

爱能历久常新。Love can never grow old.

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不要像个孩子,要像个大人样!Don't be a baby. Grow up!

我要那些树成长。I want the trees to grow.

树儿在长高。The trees they grow high.