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在繁星点点的夏夜之浪漫中着迷。The romance of a starlit night.

满天都是小星星?是暗无天日的蝙蝠洞!A starlit sky? No, it's a lightless bat cave!

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你能感觉到雪花的漫天飞舞吗?Can you feel this the starlit sky resplendence?

车什么就像一个小孩子骑下满足游客!Car �nothing like a little ride under the starlit sky!

在两间黑色的披屋之间,现出一片明净的星空。Between two dark sheds he caught a glimpse of the pure, starlit sky.

这样的灾难本不应该发生在如此平静、星光灿烂的夜晚。It was a disaster that shouldn't have happened on such a calm, starlit night.

在那污秽的半明半暗的街道上方,在黑魆魆的屋顶上方,伸展着昏暗的星罗棋布的天空。Over the dirty, half-dark streets, over the black roofs was a dark, starlit sky.

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它比夏天银河所发出的乳白色更加的白。It's even "milkier" in appearance than the starlit trail of the summer Milky Way.

我们能听见无情的溪流无视地向下冲击那冰冷星耀闪闪的岸石。We could hear creeks rushing coldly below on cold starlit rocks without seeing them.

在星星闪耀着的静夜里,这只有翼的歌手就为他芬芳的花儿唱一支情歌。In the silent, starlit nights, the winged songster sings his serenade to his beautiful scented flower.

在进入阿尔巴特广场的地方,皮埃尔眼前展现出广袤无垠的昏暗的星空。As he drove into Arbatsky Square, the immense expanse of dark, starlit sky lay open before Pierre's eyes.

在旷野的夜空里,你可以看到天鹅座正沿着夏季银河的星光径飞过。In a dark country sky, you can see that Cygnus is flying along the starlit trail of the summer Milky Way.

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他又一次跟着那直挺挺的背脊,走在那僵直、无情、一瘸一拐的步子后面,爬上斜坡,来到了星光照耀的大路上。Once more he followed the stiff back, the stiff and ruthless limp, up the slope and on to the starlit road.

这是在一个晴朗的星光夜里,一场大火越过树木的照片。Photo and caption by James Killion a photo of a massive fire beyond the trees, under a clear starlit night.

天空中飘着零零散散的雪花,透过飘落的雪花,可以看见淡紫色的、灰暗的星空,寒气更加逼人了。Through the snowflakes could be seen a dark, purplish, starlit sky, and the frost was growing more intense.

输出彩色光,用于光纤满天星,光纤垂帘等装饰照明。Multicolor light, applied to fiber-optic illumination and decoration such as starlit sky and pendent curtain, etc.

今天的图上表明银河系的星光迹象在它到达南部地平线的时候凸起来了。Today's chart shows that the starlit trail of the Milky Way seems to bulge just before it reaches the southern horizon.

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在星光灿烂的夜晚,我会爬上锯木堆,大口吸进新锯开的木头和锯屑散发出来的不可思议的气味。And on clear starlit nights, I would climb in the sawdust piles, taking in the magical smells of fresh-cut timber and sawdust.

具有博士学位的天文学家不可能与一对在露天约会的年轻情侣以同样的方式注视星光明亮的天空。Astronomers with a PhD cannot be expected to simply gaze at a starlit sky in the same manner as a pair of young lovers out on a date.

这个欣喜的乐章,唤起了星光闪烁的沙漠之夜里的魔力与神秘-也是自然和宇宙的奇景与赞叹。This delightful composition evokes the magic and mystery of a starlit night in the desert—the awe and wonder of nature and the cosmos.