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在新西兰内地生活的几个月来,我一直在找寻这样一个地方。I explored such a place for some months, whilst living in the New Zealand outback.

同样,如遗产,内陆得到新的哑弹,以补充其他升级。Again, like the Legacy, the Outback gets new duds to complement its other upgrades.

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骆驼最早是在19世纪被引进澳大利亚的,主要用在人口稀少的内地。Camels were first introduced to Australia in the 19thcentury to work in the outback.

夜间娱乐则仅限于酒店的酒吧,那里有在内地先锋舞台上演的现场音乐会。By night entertainment is limited to hotel bars with live music at the Outback Pioneer.

想要在澳洲内陆追捕小袋鼠,你得找一个本地土人作向导。To track wallabies through the Australian outback you want a local bush ranger as a guide.

在澳大利亚西北部有叫做布鲁姆的沿海小镇,布鲁姆镇是澳洲广袤的内陆地区中人烟稀少的偏僻的村落。The small coastal town of Broome, in northwest Australia, is an outpost in the vast Outback.

内地被称为“回超”,这意味着它可以在任何地方的地图。The Outback is known as the "Back of Beyond", which just means it could be anywhere in the map.

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他们的测试车手最近正尝试,经过一次充电后行使313英里,横跨澳大利亚内陆。Its test drivers recently managed to go 313 miles through the Australian Outback on a single charge.

不付房贷照样继续住房,使得他们有资金稳定家族的生意,还可以偶尔到内陆享受烤牛排,乘坐他们超级耗油的汽艇欢度周末,甚至去逛逛重摇滚赌场。Foreclosure has allowed them to stabilize the family business. Go to Outback occasionally for a steak.

曾一度在澳大利亚内地一个仅有20人的小镇工作,在哪里,拍摄过鳄鱼邓迪。She once worked at the Australian outback pub where they filmed Crocodile Dundee, in a town with 20 people.

这是一部超自然惊悚片,几个小青年,正在澳大利亚内陆人稀的地区,他们受到一辆无人驾驶的列车的威胁。A supernatural thriller about a group of teenagers menaced by a driver-less train in the Australian outback.

对于那些住在边远地区孤零零的房子里或是浩瀚农场的孩子,每天上下学花在路上的时间就有好几个小时。For children living on outback properties, or large farms, it may take hours to get to school and back each day.

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有一次,她派两名队员深入澳大利亚的内陆地区,没有携带任何无线电或其它通讯工具。On one occasion, she sent two Marines under her command into the Outback without radios or any communications tools.

还有一项创新之举就是安排“印第安大西洋号”列车沿着铁路线做圣诞节短期宣传访问,把礼物和音乐送到内地。One innovation was to send the Indian Pacific on a whistle-stop Christmas run taking gifts and music to the outback.

田野和小山上羊群遍布,但是内陆更像是一个沙漠。到处都是石沙。There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, but the outback is more like a desert , full of rocks &sand.

另一方面也想让内地客户更多地了解公司的经营计划和经营目标。The management that also wants to let outback client know a company morely on the other hand plans and manage an end.

昆士兰内陆地区发现三种新恐龙遗骸,其中一种属肉食性恐龙。The remains of three new dinosaur species, including a flesh-eating predator, have been found in Queensland's outback.

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在这张1999年的档案照中,原住民儿童在澳洲爱莉斯泉镇附近的内陆社区玩耍。Aboriginal children play in an outback community near the town of Alice Springs in this October 25, 1999 file photograph.

以前常居内陆森林,袋鼠、无尾熊、都是她的邻居。Stephanie used to be residing in the bush of outback Australia and such animals as kangaroos and koalas were her neighbors.

作为澳大利亚的劣势群体,原住民的生存条件和第三世界国家相似,且多居于遥远偏僻的地区。Aborigines are Australia's most disadvantaged group with many living in third world conditions in remote outback settlements.