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我浑身发冷。I feel chilly.

今天冷飕飕的。It's chilly today.

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今天冷风飕飕。It's chilly today.

今天很凉。It‘s chilly today.

外面有点冷。Little chilly outside.

寂静的天宫,清冷。Silent Temple, chilly.

早晨开始变得冷飕飕的了。The mornings begin chilly.

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几杯薄酒的温意,怎能抵御日落后凛冽的寒风?The chilly winds of sunset?

我由于没有穿大衣而感到凉飕飕的。I feel chilly without a coat.

真想念早晨清凉的空气呀。I miss the chilly morning air.

九月的夜晚变得清冷了。Nights grow chilly in September.

可是今天的夜,有些冷。But today's night, a morsel chilly.

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昨天的天气又阴又冷。It was cloudy and chilly yesterday.

那是早春二月、乍暖还寒的一天。It was a chilly day in early spring.

炉火熄灭后,寒气逼人。I grew chilly when the fire went out.

火熄灭后冷起来了。It grew chilly when the fire went out.

夜凉风寒时,为她披上你的外套。Give her your jacket when she's chilly.

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雾裹住了他们,又潮又冷。The fog clung to them, damp and chilly.

深秋的夜,格外的冷。Especial chilly in the later fall night.

从昨晚开始。我就觉得冷和头晕。I feel chilly and dizzy since last night.