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他那热情但冗长的演讲让我们打哈欠。His zealous but long speech made us yawn.

秋秋很兴奋,也就忙得特别起劲。Qiuqiu was also quite excited and thus particularly zealous.

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热心的商人有一个处理膳食的理想主意.The zealous dealer has an ideal idea of dealing with the meal.

尤其在一八三二年六月的日子里他们顽强而无畏。It was particularly zealous and intrepid in the days of June, 1832.

那几种主要见解,每种都有许多热烈的拥护者。Each of the several chief theories has its host of zealous partisans.

甚至那几天,热心鼓动他的人几乎挤破家门。Even those days, zealous incited his people almost crowded broken home.

热忱欢迎各界新老朋友光临指导!Zealous welcome new-old friends presence instruction from all walks of life!

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这些热情的攀爬者们不断涌入研究所内,甚至爬到科学家们的卧室内。The zealous climbers got into the research station and even the scientists' houses.

你要以温和良善克胜恶人,使虔诚者因你的善良而感到惊奇。Conquer evil men by your gentle kindness, and make zealous men wonder at your goodness.

不少白领热衷的“偷菜”游戏也正是源自于此。Many white-collars are zealous " steal food " game also is come from just about hereat.

神在对我们的爱上是热切的,并且他也希望我们热情的去爱他。God is zealous in His love for you, and He wants you to be zealous in your love for Him.

这里也有一个年轻人,他名叫安吉尔·克莱,是一位严厉而热情的守旧派牧师的小儿子。And here, too, was a young man, the youngest Son of a stern and zealous divine of the old school.

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圣文德,教训和热心的宗教,专门讨论他的所有能量,以政府的命令。Bonaventure, learned and zealous religious, devoted all his energy to the government of the order.

盘古致力于推广4E理论,这是我们对信仰的虔诚也是对事业的热诚!PenGo devotes to promote the 4E management theory, It's our religious faith and zealous enterprise.

如果我们用热心的去替换嫉妒的,就会帮我们理解其中的意思。If we were to substitute the term "zealous" for "jealous," it would help in our understanding of it.

自建厂以来,我们以精良的品质,合理的价格,热诚的服务深得客户的信赖和支持。With superior quality, reasonable price and zealous service, we gain trust and support from customers.

而青汇正用一种专业的眼光,独到的思考方式以及热诚服务来达成这个目标。It is the goal of Kinway to achieve by specialized foresight, unique consideration and zealous services.

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孩子们!现今你们对法律应热诚服膺,应为我们祖先的盟约舍生致命。Now therefore, O my sons, be ye zealous for the law, and give your lives for the covenant of your fathers.

潘克洛夫和艾尔通是造船工作中最热心的工人,他们尽可能地坚持劳动。Pencroft and Ayrton, the most zealous workmen at the new vessel, pursued their labor as long as they could.

对收养问题有了正确的认识后,养父母们采取了新颖的方式对待收养子女问题,态度也显得极为积极。Armed with this knowledge, parents of Chinese adoptees have taken a zealous new approach to raising their children.