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然后,随从又瞄准唐吉诃德砍了重重的一剑。Then again the squire aimed a great blow at Don Quixote.

唐吉诃德又把他的甲胄修补好,并且弄来一支新的长矛。Don Quixote repaired his armour again, and got a new lance.

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唐吉诃德任他们把受伤的同伙带走。Don Quixote allowed them to carry away their hurt companions.

唐吉诃德和桑丘骑到老虎伍兹的谢拉莫雷纳。Don Quixote and Sancho ride into the woods of the Sierra Morena.

唐吉诃德望过去,看到那个鼻子长长尖尖的随从。Don Quixote looked, and saw the squire with the long, pointed nose.

唐吉诃德是我父亲的英雄,我父亲肯定会喜欢你。Don Quixote was a hero of my father's, and my father would like you.

而唐吉诃德说会尽早让他成为海岛的总督。Don Quixote said he would make him governor of it as soon as possible.

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唐吉诃德确信自己就是成为游侠的适当人选。Don Quixote was sure that he was the right man to be a knight -errant.

卡拉斯寇医生和神父到达客栈,但他们无法劝服唐吉柯德。Dr. Carrasco and the padre arrive, but they can't reason with Quixote.

每一个桑丘内心都有一个努力要挣脱出来的唐吉诃德。Inside every Sancho Panza there's a Don Quixote struggling to get out.

堂吉诃德富有理想主义精神和骑士精神,却被认为是疯狂的。Although the idealistic and chivalric Don Quixote is thought to be mad.

第二天,唐吉诃德还在睡觉的时候,牧师和尼可拉斯一起来了。The next day, while Don Quixote was sleeping , the priest came with Nicholas.

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广阔的平原上点缀着不少风车,那里是唐吉柯德曾经倒下的地方。The vast plains are dotted with the windmills at which Don Quixote once tilted.

你的举动就像是堂·吉珂德。你所做的一切都是徒劳。You are like Don Quixote in your actions. What you are doing is beating the air.

他正要把甲胄拿出来,唐吉诃德又举起他的长矛。He was just going to take out the armour when Don Quixote again lifted his lance.

她的朋友都很奇怪她怎么能与这位现代堂。吉诃德相处得这么好。Her friends wondered how she could get along so well with this modern Don Quixote.

唐吉柯德请求客栈主人在星辰下的庭院为他授与骑士的名号。Then, Quixote asks the innkeeper to dub him a knight in the courtyard under the stars.

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他还新编格列佛游记,在格林威奖得主与堂吉诃德。He has also retold Gulliver's Travels, winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal with Don Quixote.

那位值得喝采称赞的武士,拉兰却之.唐吉诃德,在一场拚斗中把我打败。The knight , Don Quixote de la Mancha, who deserves great praise, has beaten me in a fight.

唐吉诃德侮辱他们,他们的攻击他,离家出走,他和桑丘的财产。Don Quixote insults them, and they attack him, running away with his and Sancho's possessions.