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汤姆已与安妮订婚。Tom is engaged to Anne.

那临安现在如何了?That faces Anne now how?

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安妮•莫莉再次哀泣。Anne Murray wailed again.

大周安平王?!Big week Anne even king?!

各位同学,我的名字叫安妮。My name is Anne Dunleavy.

明天见,安妮。Till tomorrow then, Anne.

安妮猛地一甩红发小辫子。Anne tossed her red braids.

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恐怕我是来得太迟了。Anne is so frightfully spoilt.

安妮考进大学了吗?Has Anne got into university ?

是宾虚和安妮法兰克的时代。It was Ben Hur and Anne Frank.

玛丽和安妮交换座位。Mary exchanged seats with Anne.

安妮·博林于1536年被斩首。Anne boleyn was beheaded in1536.

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安妮以前经常在这里盘桓。Here Anne had often been staying.

我和安妮也太忙了,去不成。And Anne and I are too busy to go.

安尼合上书,站了起来。Anne closed her book and stood up.

国王宣布安为他的继承人。The king proclaimed Anne his heir.

安妮被从熟睡中叫醒。Anne was aroused from a deep sleep.

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理查德和安妮上星期分手了。Richard and Anne broke up last week.

她们不能让它保持与时俱进,安妮。They just couldn't keep it up, Anne.

1533年六月,安妮被加冕为乐王后。In June 1533, Anne was crowned queen.