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皮诺丘找到了爸爸。Pinocchio finds his father.

皮诺奇躲在一面墙后面。Pinocchio hid behind a wall.

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为什么皮诺丘会在海底下?Why is Pinocchio under the sea?

皮诺奇在一座农场找了份工作。Pinocchio found a job on a farm.

皮诺奇便跟着猫和狐狸一起走。Pinocchio followed the cat and fox.

我以为皮诺丘又说谎了。I think that Pinocchio is lying again.

皮诺曹变成一头驴了吗?为什么?Did Pinocchio transform into a donkey?Why?

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匹诺曹继续靠着岸边游。Pinocchio went on swimming close to shore.

为什么斯托姆博利要囚禁皮诺曹?。Why did Stromboli hold Pinocchio prisoner?

皮若曹答道,“我不需要女朋友!”Pinocchio replied, "Who needs a girlfriend?"

有天早上,皮诺奇正走路去上学。One morning, Pinocchio was walking to school.

皮诺曹上学路上遇到了什么事?。What happened tO Pinocchio on his way to school?

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皮诺奇跪下去很快地把金子埋起来。Pinocchio knelt down and buried his gold quickly.

皮诺奇笑了笑,并不相信这只蟋蟀。Pinocchio laughed. He didn't believe the cricket.

换上新衣服后的皮诺奇模样真帅。Pinocchio looked very handsome in his new clothes.

皮诺奇要求格培多帮他做新的脚。Pinocchio asked Geppetto to make him some new feet.

说完,匹诺曹走到屋门口。After this, Pinocchio walked to the door of the room.

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漫画把部长描画成长鼻子皮诺曹。Cartoons showed the Minister as a long-nosed Pinocchio.

皮诺奇拿起蜡烛把桌子点起火来。Pinocchio picked up the candle and lit the table on fire.

蟋蟀让皮诺奇和格培多跟他一起住。The cricket let Pinocchio and Geppetto live in his house.