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如果很有生意,我将扩大店面。Having a Land-office business, I'll enlarge storefront.

一个临街的店面通向由迪士尼经营的英语语言学校。A small storefront leads to an English-language school run by Disney.

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一名男孩在台北迪化街上的店面前跳舞,摄于一月十七日。A boy dances outside a storefront in Taipei's Dihua Street on Jan. 17.

从店面橱窗里倒映出摄影师梅纳德·欧文·威廉姆斯自己的影子。Reflection of photographer Maynard Owen Williams in a storefront window

金山财产公司在湾仔区有一家店头,却没有商店。Golden Hill Properties in Wanchai makes do with a storefront but no store.

安东的工作室店面提供了许多原始的粘土之一的一类乐句。Anton's studio storefront offers many original one-of-a-kind riffs in clay.

店面门头设计在一定程度上能够反映出其所售商品的档次。Storefront design to a certain extent, can reflect the quality of goods sold.

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店面往往不大,有七十平米的样子,蜷缩在街区一角。Often it's small, maybe an 800-square-foot storefront jammed into a city street.

这个商店将努力使得流程简化以吸引出版商参与。The storefront will aim to simplify the process, in order to attract publishers.

突然,我停下来,眼睛开始盯着一楼临街窗子中的一位就餐学生。Suddenly, I stopped and stared in the large storefront window of the campus diner.

阿拉亚的店面在巴黎的贝勒夏街60号,门的招牌叫“阿拉亚”。Alaia's Beileixia NO 60, Street storefront in Paris, the door signs called "Araya."

沙克瑞恩的第一个店面位于匹兹堡下城木头街418号。Shakarian's first storefront was located at 418 Wood Street in downtown Pittsburgh.

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他们建立了一个非常讲究的、一目了然的门面,目前里面存放了超过25,000件婴儿用品。They built an elegant, intuitive storefront that now stocks more than 25, 000 baby items.

任何人都可以租一间店面,开创自己的教会,而且也有很多人这样做了。Anybody can rent out a storefront and start their own church, and many people have done so.

给前店的人的身板子模特儿换衣服当前形势必有遮挡,否则违法。It's illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless you draw the shades first.

给前店的人体模特儿换衣服时必须有遮挡,否则违法。It’s illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless you draw the shades first.

于是我从迷彩这个元素出发对军品店的店面和室内进行设计。So I design the storefront and interior of the military store proceed from camouflage element.

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成品书在Lulu网店里以电子书或实体硬本书的形式出售。The finished products are sold in the Lulu online storefront as eBooks or physical hard covers.

新的电子商务平台的培育使得任何人都能够非常容易的开一间网店。This new breed of e-commerce platform is making it far easier for anyone to set up a storefront.

她在墨尔本商业区租了一个门面,以令人咋舌的标价销售面霜。She rented a storefront in downtown Melbourne, and peddled her concoction at a staggering markup.