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高空乘骑。Riding High.

骑车比走路快。Riding beats walking.

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这我宁愿不愿骑车。I prefer waling to riding.

他们爱骑自行车。They like riding bicycles.

你现在骑虎难下了。You're riding a tiger now.

驰骋在兰阳平原上。Riding on the Lanyang plain.

骑车比走路快。Riding beats walking walking.

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像一个武士骑一匹俊马。Like a warrior riding a horse.

我的爱好是踏板车。My hobby is riding my scooter.

戴红头巾的小女孩的传说THE TALE OF Little Riding Hood

他穿着骑马服看真来很帅。He looks great in riding clothes.

他们骑车技能很干练。They're so skilled in riding bikes.

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附近有专供骑用马的马房吗?。Is there a riding stables near here?

她骑着一匹纯种马。She was riding a thoroughbred horse.

我课后练习骑自行车。I practice riding a bike after class.

我就像这样正骑着车——你就是那头鹿。I'm riding like this — you're the deer.

红头巾的小女孩住在树林的附近Little riding hood lived near the wood.

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乘坐一个喝醉酒的司机的车是一种冒险。Riding with a drunken driver is a risk.

你骑得那么卖劲,把头发都弄乱了。You messed up your hair riding so hard.

为了节省汽油,我们开始骑自行车。We started riding our bikes to save gas.