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他是一个初中生吗?He is a junior it?

我是办公室里资历最浅的。I am junior in the office.

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是区属初级中学。It is a junior middle school.

在这家公司,我是个年少者。In this company, I am a junior.

他是耶鲁大学的高年级学生He was a Junior at Yale College.

我正在一所大专就读.I'm studying in a junior college.

到三年级,我要跑到圣路易斯。As a junior I'll run to St. Louis.

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他是办公室里资历浅的事务员。He is a junior clerk in an office.

我是一位深爱超级少年的蔚蓝色妖精。I am a ELF and I love Super Junior.

我是在化学制品部的小辈。I am junior in Chemical Department.

她的辈分比我小。She ranks as my junior in the clan.

但我在一个初级中学的。But I study in a junior high school.

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基蒂仇视那个年轻的打字员。Kitty was down on the junior typist.

我初中的时候有一次大便在了自己身上。I crapped myself once in junior high.

她被她的下级职员顶替。She was displaced by her junior clerk.

欢迎来到费尔蒙特初中学校。Welcome to Fairmont Junior High School.

连幼儿和小学生都参加了。Even infant and junior pupils took part.

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南加州低等电影学院。Southern California Junior Film College.

他比库柏先生小几岁。He is several years junior to Mr. Cooper.

他比库珀太太小几岁。He is several years junior to Mrs Cooper.