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我只是想要看一看耶稣和圣杯。I just wanna see the Jesus and the Sangreal.

有哪个历史学家不知道一点儿关于圣杯的传奇呢?Which historian doesn't know a little of the legend of Sangreal?

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实际上,几乎所有的人都听说过圣杯的故事。In fact, almost everyone on earth has heard the story of the Sangreal.

他觉得好笑,但是,小说显然在误导人们对基督教圣杯的观念。He feels ridiculous, yet the novel obviously is misleading people's concept of Christian Sangreal.

自此以后,圣杯有时候是借用中世纪气氛,变得中古化。Since then, Sangreal is sometimes employed to lend a medievalizing air in referring to the Holy Grail.

小说中的提彬为了获得历史上关于基督教“圣杯”的秘密不惜行凶杀人。In this novel, Teabing did violence to murder in order to obtain secrets of Christian Sangreal in history.

我是讲信义的人,我凭良心起誓,我只会让那些出卖圣杯的人沦为牺牲品。I am a man of honor, and I vowed in my deepest conscience only to sacrifice those who had betrayed the Sangreal.

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奇怪的是,这样一本观点并不新鲜的圣杯小说在世界上竟然引起了巨大的轰动。It's strange that such a Sangreal novel, of not fresh point, had gone remarkable well in the world unexpectedly.

有关圣杯的书成百上千,历史学家们对其也抱有极大的兴趣。Hundreds of books have been written about it, and few mysteries have caused as much interest among historians as the Sangreal.

蓝汉之信里特意提到书里有关于金字塔的秘密和圣杯的研究成果,很显然,警察不可能不引起注意。In the letter, Lanhanzhi especially mentioned secrets of pyramid and research on Sangreal in his book, obviously, the police impossibly paid no attention to it.

欧洲历史上的圣杯,恰恰就是玄武文明模式的一个非常好的例证,玄武模式绝不仅仅是中华文明的起源模式,同样也是世界文明的起源模式。Exactly, Sangreal in European history is a good illustration of Sunmoon mode that is not only the original mode of Chinese civilization but also of world civilization.