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事业促进演说者在努力建立一个联合的团队。A BMS work hard to create a team that's united.

WhichPLM分享了一份免费的BMS白皮书阐述这个话题。is sharing a free copy of BMS whitepaper with this catching topic.

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WhichPLM分享了一份免费的BMS白皮书阐述这个话题。WhichPLM? is sharing a free copy of BMS whitepaper with this catching topic.

以下是你在你的团队中加入一位事业促进演说者的一些好处There are several benefits you can look forward to enjoy once you have employed a BMS for your business.

结论西罗莫司洗脱支架和金属裸支架在冠心病患者中应用的远期安全性相似。Conclusion The long-term safety of SES appeared comparable with BMS in patients with coronary artery disease.

通过对非参数混合泊松模型的分析,我们发现用此类模型建立无赔款优待系统是不合适的。In this paper we find that it is improper to construct the optimal BMS by employing the non parameter mixed Poisson model.

在五年内,医疗费用将减少,而使DES与BMS相比费用相当甚至更省钱。This cost is expected to decrease within five years, however, rendering DES cost-neutral or cost-saving when compared to BMS.

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奥运会期间,共计有50辆装有这套电池管理系统的纯电动大巴投入到电动公交运营,并实现了“零故障”稳定运行。During the Peking Olympic Games, a total of 50 electric buses equipped with the BMS have operated and achieved a "zero failure" stable operation.

接受药物洗脱支架的患者长病变和复杂病变比接受裸金属支架的患者多,而且接受双重抗血小板治疗1年的可能性较大。DES recipients had longer and more complex lesions than BMS recipients and also were more likely to be receiving dual antiplatelet therapy at 1 year.

电气电力专业知识,高中低压和自动调谐系统和设备知识,楼宇控制系统知识。Good knowledge and expertise in electrical and power systems. Familiar with HV, MV, LV, ATS, Control etc systems, equipments. Familiar with BMS system.

同时兽王猎人的宠物伤害也将有所损失,他们仍将获得最好的宠物,但是现在来看宠物的伤害过于强大了。Beastmaster hunters are in addition losing some of their pet dps. We still want BMs to have the best pets, but pet dps numbers are a little high at the moment.

这提示BMS患者所表现的特殊个性特征及情绪改变很可能是在发病前已具备,将BMS患者的特殊个性及情绪障碍完全归结于长期慢性疼痛累积的结果并不恰当。Thus, the results do not support the idea that personality and mood changes of the patients with BMS primarily come from the accumulation of long-term chronic pain.

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最后,研究了以单个投保人为基础,同时考虑先验信息、索赔次数、索赔额的最优奖惩系统。Finally on the basis of the research of single policy-holder, the author also made a consideration about he prior information, claim number, claim amount and optimal BMS.

骨髓活检在淋巴瘤细胞轻度骨髓侵犯或合并骨髓纤维化,以及浸润瘤细胞为小细胞成熟型时,更能准确地提供诊断依据。BMB might offer diagnostic reference more accurately for the diagnosis of HNL with small mature lymphoma cells, slight BMI or severe BMI with myelofibrosis, compared with BMS.

到目前为止这项关于经皮冠脉成形术远期结果的研究共收集了14个国家94所医院的6600名患者的数据,从而比较药物洗脱支架和裸金属支架患者之间的生存期。The analysis of late outcomes following PCI has so far gathered data on 6600 patients from 94 hospitals in 14 countries and is comparing the survival advantages of DES with BMS.

本文共有六章,第一章对BMS研究的历史背景和意义,以及本文要做的工作做了比较详细的阐述。There are 6 chapters int this article. In the first chapter, we study the historical background and significance of BMS as well as the work we will do in this article in details.

RF-7800V可以很便捷地与战斗管理系统集成在一起,向各层级用户提供实时网络化语音和数据通信。The RF-7800V also provides easy integration with Battle Management Systems for time-critical BMS reports, while delivering simultaneous networked voice and data communications to multiple users.