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汤姆把我猛推到一边。Tom thrust me aside.

他把马丁猛推到一旁。He thrust Martin aside.

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他被强行推进一辆车里。He was thrust into a car.

他用一把短剑刺我。He thrust at me with a dagger.

如果是的话,它的主旨是什么?If so what is the main thrust?

刺刀将他刺穿。The bayonet thrust him through.

注射针头刺入他的前臂。A needle was thrust into his arm.

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他把叉子戳进鱼里。He thrust the fork into the fish.

他把匕首剌入她的心脏。He thrust a dagger into her heart.

遵循先例有一种向前的推动力。Stare Decisis has a forward thrust.

她把刀子扎进了苹果里面。She thrust the knife into the apple.

他从我身边挤进教室。He thrust past me into the classroom.

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他们强把中立国推入战争。They thrust a neutral state into war.

是约翰把一个人猛推在一旁的。It was John who thrust a person aside.

他把全部责任硬推给我。He thrust all the responsibility on me.

他把拳头伸到我脸前。He thrust his fist in front of my face.

反喷和减速板故障。Reverse thrust air braking are failure.

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那个乞丐突然伸出一只手讨钱。The beggar thrust out a hand for money.

别用你那手指戳我的腰好不好?Don't thrust your finger at my waist, ok?

他把那个雇员推出办公室。He thrust the employer out of his office.