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多么阴晦的天气!What dismal weather!

罗斯在可怕的昏迷中嚎叫。Los howl'd in a dismal stupor.

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象梦一般地凄婉迷茫。Dismal and helpless like a dream.

唐继龙怏怏不乐的说道。Tang says after the dismal dragon.

那些胡言乱语多么可怕啊!What a dismal bunch of hooey that is.

为恶魔可怕的回报典当了And pawned his soul for the devil’s dismal

她以悲伤的语调接著往下说。Her speech continued in the same dismal strain.

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在其他任何领域,这种结果都令人沮丧。In any other field such results would be dismal.

没有任何指引我们跳出这阴惨的迷津的道路!There is no path to guide us out of this dismal maze.

撑开伞的彩色反衬着乌蒙蒙的天空。The colors of the umbrella pop against the dismal sky.

但是在这个阴郁的学科领域里着实常见。But they are particularly common in the dismal science.

非洲将是这异常凄凉的一年里的亮点。Africa will be the highlight of an otherwise dismal year.

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这种沉闷的科学似乎是一种乐观的职业。The dismal science, it seems, is an optimistic profession.

你就像是一把烛火点燃了我的寂寞,放大了悲凉的轮廓。You like a candle lit my lonely magnifies the dismal contour.

但是在经历了十年的惨淡光景之后,他们是时候采取行动了。But after a decade of dismal returns it is time for them to act.

已是白天了,乡野又湿又低,好不凄凉。It was daylight and the country was wet, low and dismal looking.

其邻居美国则令人沮丧地位列第96位,奇怪的是,该国仅仅排在伊朗之前。its American neighbour a dismal 96th, strangely just above Iran.

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雨使雪化成了雪水,搞得山边景色黯然无趣。The rain turned the snow to slush and made the mountain-side dismal.

你问,为何,这阴冷凄清的地方琐链般将我牢牢束缚?Why, you ask, was I bound and chained to this cold and dismal place?

教室里,四面墙壁像警察一样看守着我们,特别地沉闷。The rooms were cruelly dismal with their walls on guard like policemen.